what are you doing here

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Imani Pov

Me and jaylee was walking out of justic, we got the most adorable things. We got some candy, lip gloss( it was so color full i couldnt resist) we got somme glitter, superglue ( you never know when life gives you boys you glue them to a chair) we also got pepper sray! At first we was like huh? Then i said " just incase some nut job try anything slick. Cause you know boys cant resitst all this( does body roll)" me and jaylee laughed bout that until i saw roc n jasmine in footlocker

Roc: what are you doing here

Jasmine: shopping for some shoes BIG HEAD! 

Roc: my head isnt big

Jasmine: (sarcatically) you right 

Roc( curiously) i am 

Jasmine: hell no!! Your head colasle

Roc: no its not

Jasmine: yes it is

Roc: nahh  uh

Jasmine: yeah uh

They are so childish! This goes on for a while until the rest of the group walked pass the store 

Princeton: roc?

Jaylee: oh hell!

Roc: yes nigga who else?

Prodigy: imani?

Imani: ( mumbles) fuck the police

Prodigy: what are you doing here? I though u where in philly

Imani ( turns & faces him) i was but i moved 

Jaylee pov

While everyone was getting all musshy i started to take lil steps backwards hoping jacob wouldnt  see me. As i was doing that i tripped over a rack of clothes and the store fell apart like dominoes when you knock them over, all eyez were staring at me 

Jaylee: Oops! (Nervous laugh)

Storemanager: hey! Hold it

Roc: RUN!!

The store manager started chasing us, we alll ran out the store like theifs. She was even cusing us out 

Storemanger: (yells) you MEDDLING KIDS! 

After we lost nanny Mcfee we were in the food court mad lauging. 

Imani: jaylee see what you did ! 

Jaylee: ( laughing ) my bad 

Imani: you damn right your bad, but it was funny thou

Rayray: you should have seen your faces when the lady was chasing us. Roc you looked the dumbest out of everybody.

Princeton (to jaylee) hey....

Jaylee: ( shyly) hi 

Princeton: so how you been?

Jaylee: good i  guess .. you

Princeton: ive been ok 

( awkward silence) 

Prodigy: ( boldyly) soo imani what you been up too

Imani( mumbles) non of your damn business!

Prodigy: what was that?

Imani: ( sings) nothing ohh nothing

Prodigy: you sing

Imani: ( sarcastically) yeah i dabble

Prodigy: i bet you cant  sing better than mebyhou 

Imani: boy please! I can sing your song better than you ever can!

Prodigy : is everything a competition?

Imani: hell yeah when you talk shit it is!!

Prodigy: i dont talk shit i state facts( gets up in imani's face)

Imani: your facts aint acurate! By the way here ( hands him a peice of gum) 

Prodigy: wats this?

Imani: its called GUM!  You take it out the rapper.... put it im you mouth.... then chew 

Everyone : ooooo

Rayray: yo she dissed you ass

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