thirty one

451 31 1

    Eijirou walked to school the next morning and sat in his assigned seat next to Katsuki. He really hoped his mind was just playing tricks on him because the atmosphere around Katsuki was completely different.

Throughout the day, he had hints of being right. Even Denki looked at Katsuki weirdly, as if there was something wrong with him.

There wasn't even that much of a change. Katsuki looked the same as usual. He had his usual stern, resting bitch face and remained mostly quiet unless spoken to. He also doodled in his sketchbook like he usually did.

The more Eijirou paid attention to him, the weirder he felt. There was something really off about Katsuki that no one could exactly pinpoint, so people just pretended not to notice.

Denki seemed to get more and more distant from Katsuki as time passed, and it was sort of amusing to Eijirou when he saw Katsuki glare at him from afar.

After school, Denki abandoned his backpack full of homework at Eijirou's house and started venting to him out of nowhere.

"I can't believe how much Katsuki has changed. This is terrific and horrible at the same time, if that's even possible," Denki blabbered, making Eijirou facepalm.

"The only thing that's changed is his aura. He's literally the same as he always is," Eijirou replied in an exasperated tone.

Denki immediately shook his head in disagreement. "I beg to differ. You're not a werewolf, so you can't smell it, but Katsuki actually smells happy. I'm so used to facing the stink of alcohol or guilt on him that this is like a miracle from the Moon Goddess."

"If he's happy, then he's happy. What's bad about that?"

"For a number of reasons. Firstly, he still doesn't know that you're his mate and his wolf is probably going insane within a span of a few months," Denki retorted, slamming his fist into the floor.

For whatever reason, Denki didn't want to go upstairs into Eijirou's bedroom, so they were hanging out in his living room floor. The couch was right beside them, but Denki didn't want to sit on the couch either.

"Okay let's be logical here. If he's happy, then he's obviously happy for a good reason. He probably either found someone new or he knows. It could be either of them, but I'm not going to be the one asking him," Eijirou rationalized.

"God, what will I do if Katsuki never finds his mate? Who will be the Alpha of our pack then?" Denki wondered out loud to himself, clearly in his own little world.

"I don't need you daydreaming about your impending doom in my house. Go vent to Kyoka or something, she'll probably be down to listen," Eijirou groaned, picking up Denki's bag and walking to his door. "Besides, we both have homework to do. You're wasting my precious time."

"Kyoka doesn't care about half the shit I say," Denki whined in annoyance.

"Well maybe that's a sign that you should just stop talking," Eijirou snorted.


"Whatever, just get out already," Eijirou grumbled as Denki shuffled out of the house hesitantly. Denki was giving him attitude on purpose, and he knew that.

Eijirou slammed the door shut once Denki finally left, sighing in relief.

He went to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich for dinner. It was one of those rare days where his mother was out doing errands, so he was left home alone.

Being the horrible cook that he was, the only thing he could make to satisfy his hunger was a sandwich. He's been banned from the kitchen for as long as he could remember.

Just as he was about to finish his sandwich, he saw his dog, Shiro staring at him with puppy eyes. Not being able to resist his cuteness, he gave him a piece of ham as a treat before taking out chicken from the fridge. He had almost forgotten to feed Shiro.

Normally, it wasn't his job to do, so he wouldn't really feed Shiro. It was mainly his job to take him out for walks, so he tried his best to be as consistent as he could.

His mother had recently switched him over to the raw meat diet. Eijirou didn't really know much about it, but he assumed that his mother did her research and didn't argue with her.

It was hard at first, but Shiro has completely converted now. Eijirou still couldn't get used to feeding Shiro raw, and he found it disgusting whenever he had to hold the raw, gooey meat in his hands. Still, he endured it because Shiro seemed to really enjoy it.

After Shiro was finished eating, Eijirou grabbed his leash and took him out on a walk. He had forgotten to walk him this morning, so he had to walk for an extra long time tonight. That meant he had even less time for his homework.

Eijirou tried to avoid entering the borders of Katsuki's pack, which were extremely close to his house. Due to this, he had to walk further away than usual before letting Shiro roam free by taking off his leash.

Unluckily for him, Shiro ran off in the opposite direction where the pack borders were, causing Eijirou to run after him at the speed of light hoping he could catch him before he made it. Shiro didn't even step foot into the pack lands until he was stopped by three menacing warrior wolves.

They growled at him, causing Shiro to growl back. It was clear that Shiro wasn't going to back down due to his stubborn nature, so Eijirou was panicking internally whule trying to run even faster. He hoped that he could make it before Katsuki or Masaru showed up.

"Hold on!" He called out as he steadily got closer, hoping they would listen to him.

When he finally made it, he stood in between the wolves and Shiro, desperately hoping that they wouldn't bite him in the process.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you guys, I was walking my dog. He ran into your pack borders when I let him roam free. I took him pretty far, so I never expected him to run in the opposite direction," he breathed while he tried to catch his breath.

One of the warriors shifted, probably the leader. "Next time, don't let him off his leash or just take him to a park. I don't want him causing unnecessary trouble for us again," he reprimanded, making Eijirou hang his head.

"Next time, I'll walk him during the day so this wouldn't happen again."

Before he left, he saw a wolf running towards him. A wolf who looked all too familiar. Not even a second later, Shiro started barking and growling.

"Well shit."

The Wolf I Can't Reveal [A Kiribaku Werewolf & Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now