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    After Eijirou and Katsuki's relationship was fixed, Katsuki tried acting more affectionate with Eijirou. Whenever he tried to though, he would often earn glares of disgust from Izuku. Eijirou often laughed at their interactions since they would always unintentionally make it funny. Katsuki could tolerate Izuku's insults if Eijirou found it funny, but he still fumed underneath his breath.

Izuku's insults were clever and true, making Katsuki speechless everytime he was insulted. As much as he wanted to say something back, he couldn't say anything without making a fool out of himself. Eijirou found it especially amusing if it was about schoolwork. He loved it when Izuku bragged to Katsuki about getting a higher mark than him. He didn't know why he found it funny, he just did.

Eijirou had a feeling that Izuku was covering up the hurt of not finding his mate yet by teasing Katsuki. Perhaps he was jealous that Katsuki found his mate so quickly. Every single time Katsuki was affectionate in public, Eijirou could feel Izuku's glares of disgust.

He didn't know how fast Werewolves found their mates, so he couldn't give any advice to Izuku. Besides, he'd probably just get on Izuku's bad side if he did. Both he and Katsuki knew that Izuku wasn't someone you should mess with.

Izuku looked like an innocent puppy to everyone unfamiliar to him. No one knew exactly what horrors he was capable of doing to others. Eijirou remembered the glare Katsuki recieved from Izuku after being accused of stealing Izuku's mate. It was the most frightening thing he's ever experienced, minus when he first got marked.

The more they flirted in public, the more glares they got from Izuku. Eijirou found it strange that Izuku was always with them when they started flirting with each other. It was as if Izuku was purposely following them around. Of course, he never bothered asking Izuku directly so he doesn't get on his bad side.

Whenever he asked Katsuki about it, he would always claim that Izuku was jealous of their relationship. Eijirou found it weird that Izuku was jealous because he was bound to have his own mate. Despite being so curious, he kept quiet to avoid sounding too annoying to Katsuki.

It seemed as if Izuku got more annoyed at them with each day that passed. Eijirou didn't need to ask him to know that he wasn't very amused with the two of them. Katsuki always told him to ignore Izuku, but Eijirou couldn't help but feel bad for the people around him, especially Izuku.

One day, as Eijirou and Katsuki walked down the street to go home, Ochako seemed to pop out of nowhere right in front of them. Eijrou had to shield Katsuki from her to prevent her from jumping on top of him again, something that Katsuki was pretty thankful for.

Ochako sent a glare to Eijirou, not that he really cared. She continued harassing Katsuki the best she could, cuddling him in public and trying to kiss him on the cheek. Even Eijirou felt goosebumps all over his skin just by watching them. He couldn't imagine how Katsuki must've felt in that situation. So, he tried pulling Ochako off of Katsuki for both his sake and Katsuki's.

He would've never known how angry Izuku was when he pushed Ochako. Izuku almost sent a punch directly into his face. If it wasn't for Katsuki's quick reflexes, Eijirou probably would've had a broken nose. Izuku rushed to Ochako's side, sending glares to both Katsuki and Eijirou for supposedly 'hurting' his mate.

Eijirou could see how angry Katsuki was. He could understand why he was so angry. Anyone would be livid if someone accused them of hurting their mate when their mate was the one who basically jumped on top of them. Even though he wanted to give Izuku a piece of his mind, he decided to just help Katsuki calm down. Even if he tried reasoning with Izuku, he knew that Izuku was too angry to listen to anything he said.

Even Eijirou was starting to get a bit mad at how unreasonable Izuku was. He didn't have any proof of them hurting his mate, yet he still claimed that they did. When Ochako stood up with the help of Izuku, Eijirou saw that she didn't even have a single scratch on her. She just got a bit dirty, but that's it. Despite this, she still pretended to be the damsel in distress in front of Izuku.

He saw her grin evilly at them before she walked away with Izuku, still pretending to be injured. She had Izuku completely under her wrath, and it disgusted Eijirou. How could she take advantage of her mate's kindness like that? He couldn't understand it no matter how hard he tried.

When Eijirou glanced at Katsuki, he noticed that he wasn't exactly very comfortable. Perhaps he also felt upset that Ochako was using Izuku's kindness for her own personal gain. He didn't bother asking Katsuki though. He didn't want to force Katsuki to say anything he didn't want to say. The last thing he wanted to do was pressure him into saying something.

Instead, they just continued walking home together as if nothing happened. They talked about things that would distract them from what happened. Neither of them wanted to think about the result of Ochako manipulating Izuku to do what she wanted. So, neither of them said anything about it.

Eijirou knew that ignoring the situation would make it worse, but he didn't butt in. It was Izuku's mate, which meant that it was his responsibility to control her. Something that Izuku wasn't doing a very good job at, in fact, he was doing the opposite. He was actually letting her run wild, taking everything and not giving anything back in return. Still, Izuku would get very defensive if he or Katsuki said anything about it, so they just stayed silent.

Eijirou didn't want to break Izuku's happiness by telling him that his mate was using him. He looked so happy when he finally found her, so the last thing he wanted to do was wreck that. Even if he wasn't on very good terms with Izuku, he wanted to avoid seeing him hurt if it was possible. Now that Ochako had him under his wrath, it didn't seem very possible anymore.

Both Eijirou and Katsuki knew that Ochako was planning something sinister. Izuku was just another pawn in her plan. She was going to use him to gain what she wants. Even if Izuku knew he was being used, he would still listen to her like a naive puppy. That's just how much influence she had over his mind.

There was nothing they could do to prevent Izuku from falling into her trap. Ochako was his mate, so obviously he would believe her over them. It didn't matter if they told the truth or not, once pout from Ochako would make Izuku fall deeper into her trap. She was evil, sneaky and sinister, yet he was still addicted to her.

She had him under her trap, where she would use him and throw him away afterwards. He was a mere puppet on her strings, being played by her. He probably knew this, but enjoyed her little game anyway. She would break him and throw him away, and he would enjoy getting broken.

Even if he didn't know Ochako very well, he knew that she was bad news. He felt bad that Izuku had such an evil mate like her. Izuku was still considered very naive if he could fall into her trap so easily. He fell for her blindly, which would cause her to eventually break him. Eijirou wanted to prevent that from happening, but he knew he couldn't. So, he just watched from afar.

The Wolf I Can't Reveal [A Kiribaku Werewolf & Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now