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    About a week has past and since then, Eijirou hasn't seen any signs of the wolf. He's tried searching for the wolf multiple times after finishing his homework. It was so odd to him, the wolf seemed to know exactly who he was and liked him while he knew nothing about the wolf. All he knew was that he was hooked on the wolf.

His homeroom teacher hasn't paid much attention to him since her outbreak. He's thought about asking her to help him look for it until he thought about it being a werewolf everyone talked about on the news. Most people haven't seen one, but the ones that have hunt them and take their fur to sell at the black market. In fact, his mother has a jacket made of werewolf fur and it's kept her warmer than it would've been if she wore a normal jacket.

He hadn't realized that he was lost in thought until Katsuki nudged him at the side and he looked up to see his teacher glaring at him.

"Not paying attention in class, are we? If Katsuki has to nudge you again to keep you from sleeping with your eyes open then you're getting detention." She said, gritting her teeth.

Eijirou could feel the heat going into his face while other girls started giggling. He started scribbling down notes he didn't write while he was busy thinking about the wolf.

The day passed by in a blur. He did all the usual stuff, but it got a bit boring and he stopped putting as much effort. All of his thoughts always went back to the wolf. The wolf that technically made him get in trouble with his homeroom teacher.

At the end of the day, he mustered up the courage to ask his teacher about the mysterious wolf and why he felt so attached to it. When he arrived at the class, he reached over to open the door, but hesitated when he heard Katsuki's voice.

"What do you want, Yukina? Why do you keep calling for me when you know I already found my mate? You jealous or something?" Katsuki asked, saying his last question in a mocking tone.

"That's sensei to you. Anyway, who wouldn't be jealous? You have the all girls swooning for you in the pack yet you're never interested in them. Why don't you try being friends with one of them?" She asked in a confused tone.

"Shut up, Yukina. I'm not going to cheat on my mate. I can't focus on random girls when I've already found my mate about a week ago. My mate is my main priority, not girls." Katsuki said in a pissed tone.

"If your mate is your main priority then why haven't you tried strengthening your bond with him? It's as if you want your relationship with him to fail." She retorted back.

"You can't just force someone to like you, especially when your mate is a human and they don't know what happens with werewolves. He doesn't show any signs of liking me anyway." Katsuki grumbled.

By this time, Eijirou was silently choking on air. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Was Katsuki a werewolf? It was too much for Eijirou to process in his mind.

Suddenly, he heard someone storming towards the door like they were panicked. Katsuki opened the door to find Eijirou trying to catch his breath after choking and scowled at him.

Katsuki roughly pulled Eijirou into the room and slamming the door shut. Yukina had her arms crossed around her chest, glaring at Eijirou as if she was going to kill him. Katsuki wasn't as mad as Yukina was, but he still had that scowl on his face that scared Eijirou more than Katsuki's normal personality did.

"H-hi? I'm just going to leave now?" Eijirou said, smiling nervously before backing away, trying to get away from the two of them.

"No, you aren't!" Katsuki said while pulling on Eijirou's arm swiftly, making him stumble back into the center of the room.

"Tell the truth Eijirou, how long have you been listening to our conversation? If you spread this then most of the teachers at this school will be threatened and killed along with some students, including Katsuki." Yukina said in a serious tone, more serious than Eijirou has ever seen her.

"Um, maybe the entire conversation? I was going to ask you about helping me find a wolf with golden fur since it kinda disappeared for a week, but when I got here I hesitated on opening the door and ended up eavesdropping. Please don't kill me?" Eijirou said, internally praying to not get killed.

"Let him go. He's under my watch. Tell the pack to back off if they feel threatened by him." Katsuki said, then pointing to Eijirou. "You, come with me. We'll talk at my place."

Eijirou obediently followed Katsuki's orders, thinking it'd be the best way to make it out alive. He followed Katsuki to his house and stepped inside. The moment he did, Katsuki's parents slightly jumped.

He could tell that Katsuki's parents felt uneasy around him, but tried their best to be polite towards them, trying to act as human as possible.

"H-hey, I'm Mitsuki Bakugou and this is my husband Masaru Bakugou." She said in a cheerful tone, pointing to her husband who was hiding his face behind his newspaper.

"Don't act so tense around your future son-in-law. Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't tell a soul. If he does then feel free to punish him as long as it's not too severe, he's my mate after all." Katsuki said casually, taking off his shoes and hanging his backpack on the clothes hanger.

"What?! Your mate is a human?! Do you know how dangerous that is? If he spreads anything then the entire pack is in danger! Can't you just kill him off and find another person as a replacement?!" Mitsuki screamed at him.

At this, Katsuki glared at her as if he wanted to kill her for insulting his mate. Even his mother looked slightly shocked. He started letting out a low growl that sounded familiar to Eijirou. He couldn't remember what it was, but he knew it was important.

Just as Katsuki was about to lose control and lunge at her, Eijirou placed a firm hand on his shoulder to hold him back. Katsuki loosened up slightly but still glared at her with eyes full of bloodlust.

"You insult my mate again, and it'll be the last time you walk on this world. I don't care who you are, I won't hesitate to crush anyone who insults him." Katsuki said in a low voice before grabbing Eijirou by his arm and pulling him into his room and slamming the door behind him.

"I don't think we should kill the poor boy, Mitsuki. When Katsuki started growling he looked more frightened than you. I don't think he'll tell anyone as long as Katsuki watches over him." Masaru told his wife in a timid voice.

Mitsuki sighed before sitting back down at the dinner table. "I wish his mate was a fellow werewolf instead, so we don't have to play these games of trust. I feel too uneasy to be able to believe that Katsuki can control him."

"Don't worry, Katsuki will make it work somehow. He's always managed to make things work no matter how much of a mess it was." Masaru comforted her quietly while continuing to read his newspaper. "We'll make sure that the boy proves his loyalty to Katsuki if Katsuki really wants to keep him as a mate."

The Wolf I Can't Reveal [A Kiribaku Werewolf & Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now