Chapter 70 (HAPPY END)

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Yoongi POV

I woke up with a start. My eyes adjusted to the bright light.

"Am I dead?" I asked.

"You were. But my sister completed her destiny by saving you," Doyum's exhausted voice said.

I sat upright, instantly regretting it as all the pain rushed through me.

"What do you mean Dahye completed her destiny by saving me?" But when I turned to my side, I had my answer.

Dahye was laying next to me, her eyelids tightly shut. And she wasn't breathing.


In a fit of disbelief, I hovered over her body trying to give CPR or shake her awake. Anything to make her come back.

But Doyum looked at me with teary eyes shaking his head. His voice cracked, "She's gone hyung. She gave me her power to finish your dad. And she gave you her life to save you."

I burst into tears, hugging the love of my life's little brother close.

Just then, we heard frantic screaming. We turned to see Dahye's parents and Hoseok running to us. They were all sobbing, but when they got to us, they wrapped us in a massive hug.

Her mom bent down, caressing her daughter's face, "You did it darling."

Her father the man who raised her from day one, and Hoseok her best friend who stood by her side were grief stricken, unsure how to deal with the death of her.

Her father took a shaky breath, "I want to be upset and furious, but when I look at her, I see how peaceful she looks. She's wanted to defeat Min since they squared off when she was thirteen. And now that she's done it, maybe she can live the life she's always wanted in a better place."

Sobs escaped my lips as I looked at her torn apart loved ones.

I bent down to her, scooping her up in my arms.

"I love you Dahye."

We were about to bring her home and mourn her loss with the rest of the world, but a gentle voice stopped us in our tracks.

"Wait. You are the son of Minderean, and you are also the romantic partner of her right?" I turned around to see a silhouette walking towards us.

"Y--yes," I said shakily.

There was something warm about her presence. She motioned for us to set Dahye down, so I did.

She hovered over her, "While I was supposed to oversee that your destiny was fulfilled, I couldn't help but pity the life you always wanted. And seeing how you've grown up until this moment, how you've let others in, how you've loved, I couldn't take that away  from you. You're just a child after all."

She placed her glowing hand over Dahye's heart, "Come back to us."

I don't know what she did, but I could feel a very very very faint energy level from Dahye.

My breath caught in my throat.

"Get her to a hospital immediately. She'll live if you do."

And with that, the light was gone. 

I was stunned, but realizing the gravity of had been said, I scooped up the fragile girl calling out to the others before I took off, "I'm gonna get her to the hospital." I noticed Doyum pass out from exhaustion, his dad picking him up, "Bring Doyum too. Kiddo has had a long day."

Ignoring my own exhaustion, I raced off with Dahye, carefully holding her in my arms. 

But with my determination we got to the hospital in no time. And luckily, since the entire fight was on the news, the hospital had a bed ready for her. They took her, speeding her into the emergency room. I watched as they wheeled her away, before my own exhaustion hit, and I collapsed to the ground.

Dahye POV

I woke up to the bright hospital lights.

"Nice to see you up Miss Han. You gave us quite a scare back there. But everything seems to be okay for now. We're gonna keep you here for a few days for some more tests and trauma therapy. And on behalf of the entire world, thank you for saving us," a nurse said.

She left the room, leaving me with my thoughts. 

I'm alive. But how? I gave the rest of my life force to Yoongi. How did I even get here?

I craned my neck slightly, and saw Yoongi sleeping peacefully beside me. My heart leaped when I saw him. I sensed for his energy, and while pretty low, he seemed fine.

The door to the room softly opened and my parents and Hoseok came in. They all ran over to me, crying out of joy.

I too broke down in tears realizing that I was alive and that I was going to see tomorrow with my loved ones.

My father and Hoseok berated me for scaring them, while my mother told them off, cheerily stating that they had the rest of my life to scold me.

I looked up at her, "How? What happened to my destiny?"

She smiled warmly, "Clearly the entire universe was in your debt and saw that they couldn't strip you of life. So your destiny is out the window. I don't know what's going to happen now, but I bet your life will be a whole lot longer."

I looked to Yoongi who was still sleeping soundly.

We were gonna be okay.

A Few Months Later

I silenced the press as we begun our debriefing for the future of Han & Co. and Min Corp.

"So as you all know, after the battle, and my recovery, I wanted to jump back into the business I loved so dearly. But over the past year, a certain someone swept me off of my feet. But within this blossomed love, we realized that each of our companies flaws were supported by the other's strengths. After careful consideration, we had decided to join forces and were now co-partners in business. Alas, being with Yoongi for a while now, I'll tell you this, his talents are being wasted on something he doesn't enjoy. It is with great pleasure that I announce Min Yoongi will be stepping down as CEO of Min Corp. to pursue his love of music. Now the future of our partnership hangs in the balance. Of course, I will still hold onto this partnership, and while CEO Min's younger cousin Na Hyun is finishing up school, I will manage both companies, until he is ready to take over. Thank you for joining us today, former CEO Min and I must leave for an urgent matter, but my trusted employees would be happy to answer some questions."

And with that Yoongi and I got off stage, and practically rushed home. 

Doyum was busy doing homework while my mom and dad were cooking dinner.

"Hey honey! Didn't expect to see you back so soon! How's moving in together going?" My dad asked.

"It's fine dad. But right now, Yoongi and I are going on a date and I left my clothes here," I explained.

I rushed to my room, changing into my fighting clothes.

"Uh, you're wearing that?" My mom questioned. 

"You wouldn't understand," I complained.

We rushed out, flying over the city towards a familiar terrain. The messed up rocks were still there, but as the world moved on, it began to reform.

Yoongi and I swirled around each other, playing a game of cat and mouse. But eventually we gave up just wrapping each other in a big hug.

"Carpe diem?" He said.

"Carpe diem," I said

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