Chapter 21

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Dahye POV

I managed to sleep without an awful nightmare, so I woke up feeling refreshed. Sore, but refreshed.

I woke up super late too which was amazing.

"Hey sleepy head," a soft voice hummed.

I looked up and saw Yoongi with a tray of food.

I jumped a bit, "What are you doing here?!"

He chuckled, "Relax. Your parents took Doyum to an amusement park that he had been dying to go to. I told them I'd take care of you. I accidentally fell asleep here last night so I thought I'd just take care of you."

I could feel a blush forming on my cheeks.

"You don't have to do this. I'm okay now,"
I said.

But when I tried to get out of bed, I almost immediately fell to the ground.

Yoongi put down the tray and rushed to help me back on the bed.

"But Min Corp., shouldn't you be at work?" I questioned.

He shook his head, "I pulled a move like all the schools did. Until our safety is ensured everyone can work from home."

He placed the tray on my lap, proudly showing off what he made.

"You cook?" I asked amusedly.

"I do," he winked.

I rolled my eyes, but as I took a bite of his food it was like heaven threw up in my mouth. It was pleasure beyond compare.

I ate like an animal, not caring what I looked like. I hadn't eaten food that amazing since forever.

"Can I keep you?" I asked.

He laughed, "Cute."

I devoured the food in under ten minutes, begging for more.

"You act as if you haven't eaten in decades," he remarked.

"I went on a bunch of diets to get fit so it feels like I haven't eaten in decades," I said.

He made an 'o' face, not saying anything.

"It's not a big deal though," I added, not wanting to pressure or worry him.

He smiled, "Well, I'm going to make you forget about those diets. It's time to pig out."

My mouth watered as he left the room to make more.

While I was waiting, I sat up in bed and started stretching.

The best way to get rid of my soreness was to stretch a bit.

I'll admit that it was pretty painful. The battle was no easy fight, and if it weren't for Yoongi I might've not come back from it.

I stared hungrily at the tray of food he brought into my room.

"Yoongi, you're probably sick of hearing me say this but, thank you. You've done so much for me. I never like to ask favors of others. I always believe that I can do it myself. But here you are doing all these things. You paid off the media, saved my butt from defeat, took me home, cooked for me, took care of me, it's just so much. You really don't have to. But here you are. No one has ever cared for me as much. Everyone knew me as the girl who pushed them away. If I was determined to do it on my own they would let me. Yet you won't. So thank you."

"There's no reason for you to thank me. If anything I should be thanking you for saving the world from ultimate doom. But, like I said, you interest me. In more ways than you realize," he said.

I smiled lightly.

He put the tray on my lap once again, which changed the mood completely.

I ate that food as if I was never going to eat again.

"Quit your job at Min Corp. and please be my chef," I said with a mouth full of food.

He laughed, "I wish."

He watched quietly as I stuffed my face.

When I was done, I put the tray on my nightstand and tried standing up again.

Of course it resulted in me on the floor.

Yoongi came to help me up but I waved him off. If I couldn't get up after a tough battle then I wouldn't do too well in a drawn out fight.

Using the bed for support I managed to pull myself up, leaning against the wall for balance.

"I'm fine," I said.

I picked up the tray on my nightstand and slowly walked into the kitchen, my legs wobbling each step I took.

I managed to make it to the kitchen and wash the dishes.

"Why are you like this?" Yoongi asked suddenly.

"Like what?" I said while washing the dishes.

"You never want to be helped. You have to get it on your own," he pointed out.

"I told you earlier, I don't like asking people for favors. I don't want to reject help. I really don't. But when I fight it's me, myself, and I. So if I get accustomed to asking for help then when I really need it no one will be there," I said.

"But asking for help doesn't make you weak," he continued. "Asking for help doesn't define your own strength. It shows that you're courageous enough to admit you need assistance but it doesn't mean that you're weak because you need help once in a while."

"Maybe so. But that's not who I am. Until this is over, I can help myself. Everyone is already stressed enough," I said. "But maybe when this is all over, I'll start asking for help."

He came over to me, holding my hand, staring deeply into my eyes.

I got really nervous and my palms started sweating.

I gulped not sure why my heart was beating so fast.

"I want to take you out today. Give you a break. Let's just go crazy and explore. If something happens you can go deal with it, but until then, let's make the most of today," he declared, his warm breath tickling my nose.

I thought about it. I shouldn't, but I wanted to have fun. His offer was promising. Maybe some fun wouldn't hurt.

"Can we stop and get coffee?" I asked.

"Whatever you want," he laughed.

"I'll be ready in twenty," I squealed.

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