Chapter 49

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The first thing I could feel was the extremely agonizing soreness in my whole body. It was excruciating. I couldn't move it was so bad.

The room around me was a white void, but there was no trace of anything evil ready to come at me.

I doubled over as the pain quadrupled, laying on my back as I writhed on the floor.

My vision was crossing and my muscles were tightened against the continuous oncoming waves of pain.

I was starting to blackout, my body barely working properly.

I groaned in pain, the splitting headache setting in.

"Remain calm. You know you can more than withstand this pain," a voice called.

I tried but my mind was so out of focus, "I—I can't."

"Then me protecting you from Min is pointless. Might as well let you get back to your nightmare," the voice scoffed.

"Wait!" I yelled, my body reacting faster than my brain.

"You've been through and will g through, much much worse pain. You're not concentrating enough. Push through. Or you won't survive the next twenty-four hours," the voice instructed.

I inhaled sharply, trying to focus on my surroundings, which wasn't really anything but a white void. But doing so resulted in my power going off the rails. Powering up and down without my direction.

I closed my eyes, focusing even more. I managed to stop my energy from freaking out and weakly stood up.

"Good luck tomorrow Dahye. You're a true hero. And you're fighting for a greater cause than you know," the voice stated.

"Wait! Don't go! Who are you?" I called.

The unmasked voice chuckled, "Who I am isn't relevant right now. Just know that your Koastean ancestors smile favorably upon you. After years, they will be avenged. All thanks to their great grand-descendant. Keep fighting Dahye. That's the best thing I can tell you. Just keep fighting. Never ever give up. And never doubt yourself or why you're doing this."

"One more thing! Is there anyway shape or form I can come out of this alive? My life has suddenly taken a turn for the best, and I've started to feel like a normal twenty year old and I don't want to lose that," I explained.

The voice hummed thoughtfully, "Anything can happen Dahye. Any story can be edited and revised to fit the perfect scheme of the plot. Destiny is no different. Destiny is your approximation. It's up to you to give it an exact date."

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