Chapter 42

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An office?

"Why am I here?" I asked.

No dream had been like this. When my bad dreams started up again it was just an image that flashed through my head.

I hadn't lived through a dream since before the five month hiatus.

"Where's my son?" A low and familiar voice bellowed.

"In his office sir!" A young girl squeaked.

I caught a small glimpse of a man walking powerfully to a room.


Without thinking, I ran right after him.

I was a mere spectator so I would never be able to fully interact with anyone. But maybe I could figure out what happened to Yoongi.

All of the employees seemed to be on edge with the sudden appearance of their boss' father.

But at this point I was desperately trying to get to Yoongi. My powers weren't working either, so I was just trying to sprint.

I managed to slip in the room with Yoongi's father and stood quietly from the side to see what was going to happen.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked.

"I came to see my son," Min innocently replied.

"Oh please spare me the act. Why are you really here?" Yoongi spat.

Min slammed his fist on Yoongi's desk, leaving a dent.


Yoongi was taken aback, shrinking a bit in his chair.

"You want to know why I'm here right? Well I'll tell you! I'm here for you! You were always so desperate for my approval weren't you? Now you can get it," Min said.

Yoongi's eyes flickered, "What do you mean?"

Min pulled out a vial from his pocket. Inside the vial was a black liquid.

"What is that?" Yoongi's voice wavered.

"Power. Ultimate power. I have used almost all of the energy your little girlfriend gave us. All of my remaining generals and the latchers are exponentially stronger. Hell, I'm exponentially stronger. But this last bit left, it's for you. I added a bit of flavor to it though. I just put a bit of my energy into it. This vial will give you power. And for once in your meaningless life, you can make me proud," Min babbled.

I could feel my heart stop. Whatever he had absorbed from me was causing everyone to become a lot stronger. And I had a feeling that I knew where the rest of this dream was going to go.

Yoongi stood up abruptly, anger burning in his eyes, "I shut this company down for a while. For five months, I felt safe. I made everyone work from home to protect them. I let people come to work for the time being because I knew we were safe. How dare you waltz back here and compromise everyone's safety! How dare you call yourself my father as if you ever acted like one to me! How dare you lay a hand on my girl and make her life a living hell and burden! And how dare you assume that I'd want any part in your schemes for approval! You took my girlfriend's power, her energy, her life, and bottled it in a vial. And then you tainted it with your own energy. I don't want that garbage. And I want you out of my life. Get out of here. Now. I'm in charge now."

I fiddled with my fingers nervously. Something bad was going to happen.

"I figured you might say that. Unfortunately, you don't have a choice. You never did. You are my pawn in my game of chess, whether you like it or not. You wanted to get into the music industry, but I made you move towards business. Now you're successful. So now, I'll move my pawn towards the king. You're my pawn and you work with your king to take down the other king and its kingdom," Min growled.

He swiftly moved and pinned Yoongi on the table.

"Now!" He ordered.

Out of nowhere, Zelroth appeared and tied Yoongi's hands.

He tried fighting. He really did. But Zelroth was too strong for him.

Zelroth yanked Yoongi back, smirking at his struggles.

"What should I do with him boss?" Zelroth asked chillingly.

"We're going to turn him first, and then you're going to disappear and he and I will walk out casually," Min instructed.

Min popped open the vial and dumped the whole thing onto Yoongi. Yoongi was screaming and writhing in pain as the liquid ran down his body.

The sparkle in his eyes slowly faded to nothing, and his beautiful brown orbs had turned black.

"Yoongi," I softly said.

Yoongi's whole demeanor had flipped.

I wanted to scream but I was nothing more than a mere audience member, watching at the edge of my seat.

"How you feeling there Yoongi?" Min asked.

Yoongi cocked a sinister smirk, "Never better."

"Do you have anyone in particular that you'd like to destroy alongside your father?" Min asked more excitedly.

"Han Dahye."

Two words that made me want to faint.

"No," I said helplessly.

Zelroth and Min let out the most maniacal laugh ever.

"Looks like he didn't choose her after all," Min cackled.

Zelroth disappeared while Min and Yoongi left his office, laughing hysterically.

"I have an announcement! If anyone here tells anyone anything, then you will be a lot more than fired!" Min announced happily.

They left the company, leaving all the workers scared and confused.

My hands laid on my beating heart, ever beat louder than the last.

"Come back Yoongi."

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