Chapter 8

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"Where am I?" I groaned, a bright light hitting my face.

I blinked a few times, letting my eyes adjust.

My vision gave way to an unfamiliar place. The sky was bright pink and there was green ground for miles.

Then I noticed the fight that was happening. Zelroth and Garudor were there, torturing some of the citizens.

"Give up Zarea. Koastea is as good as ours. Though you and your soldiers put up a good fight. There's nothing you can do," Zelroth boomed.

"Never in a million years will me or my people give up. You can try as much as you want, but this universe will never be rid of someone to stop your evil agendas. Good will always win," a woman declared.

She looked beat badly.

She wouldn't be able to move, dodge, or block any attack thrown at her.

And her people didn't look any better.

"All your people are going to perish with this planet," Garudor's evil laugh filling the void of words.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. There was a void of space. And then some power created our universe. Many galaxies inside of it. I'm sure that the place that came to be from nothingness, wouldn't let something happen to it without a backup plan," the woman spat, trying to sit up.

I couldn't sit back and watch anymore. They weren't going to survive if I didn't step in.

But something in the corner of my eyes stopped me.

I saw a man holding a boy maybe six years old, close to his chest.

The boy was crying and the man was obviously fighting tears.

But they flew off, not looking back.

Of course. As long as those two survived, their people haven't been completely wiped out.

The woman laughed crazily, turning herself to look at the pink sky.

"The future will shock you all. It is foreseen in the stars. A hero will rise. And she will eliminate all of you. A warrior with the purest heart. Nothing will prepare you for her. Not even thirteen years," she shouted, taking deep and steady breaths.

Thirteen years?

"She's talking about me?!"

"Enough blubbering. Zelroth, finish this," a loud voice commanded.

Before I could see how it ended the scenery changed.

I was once again in a black void of nothingness.

"What is it today?! Throw whatever you want at me! I'm ready!" I shouted into the void.

"Did you enjoy our little surprise today? You got a taste of my top ranked generals. Garudor, was weak but loyal. It's a true shame he's gone, but an insignificant loss. But that was a sample of the power you'll start to see. Soon more and more generals will be sent to battle you. And you'll notice the overwhelming spike with each one's power. You're outclassed Dahye," the voice explained.

"You're heartless. Garudor was evil. Purely. But he was loyal. Willing to do anything for your malicious cause. You sent him knowing well enough he wouldn't come back. You are pure evil but I will not let you disrupt peace and balance," I yelled.

"Maybe so, but it will be your demise and you know it," the voice huffed.

"If that means that Earth and the universe are safe, then its a small price I'm willing to pay," I retorted.

He clicked his tongue, "Then you are a fool. Not that we couldn't tell by you offering Garudor mercy. I mean you knew he would deceive you if you let him go. But you insist there is good in everyone. And try to find it. A foolish and careless error. This is real Dahye. One would think you'd prioritize your own mission. Purity is your weakness, and one I will not hesitate to exploit."

In the distance I could make out the silhouette of someone.

"You're scared aren't you. Because someone once told you that a warrior would rise and defeat you. One pure of heart. That's why you keep babbling about purity," I blurted.

I couldn't shake the feeling that what was said, was about me. And that somehow, those two that were flying away from the planet are somehow connected to me.

"How you know about something like that, I don't know, but it doesn't matter anyway. That was desperation talking. And even if it was true, it wouldn't be anything that I couldn't deal with," he nervously said.

"You wouldn't have searched so diligently for me if that were true. You're scared that someone will beat you. Well I'll let you know one thing. You have every right to be fearful, because when we meet, you're going to be turning tail just like you did when I was eight. But this time, I won't let you get away. So prepare all you want. And throw all the generals and latchers you want. They can be ten times my size and I'll still come out the victor. The bigger they are the harder they fall," I spat.

"Enjoy your confidence and determination Dahye. Because believe me, the next time we meet, you'll be writhing on the floor begging for mercy," he remarked, as the silhouette disappeared into void.

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