Chapter 66

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Dahye POV

I woke up snuggled next to Yoongi. I could feel a blush creep onto my face as I recalled what had happened.

I grabbed my phone from the side table and checked the time.

It was around five in the morning. Today was the day I was going to start my extensive training, but to do that, I needed to build a bit more around my current chamber.

I got out of bed and put on my clothes.

I wrote a note to Yoongi:

Hey baby,

I went home early. When your up, swing by my place and grab Doyum and then come to my office. We've gotta all start training.


I put the note on top of his phone and then headed out back to my place.

I entered the house quietly, making sure not to wake anyone up. I went to the bathroom and showered and got properly ready, putting on my fighting clothes.

I grabbed my designs for the chamber and headed out quietly.

The morning air was pleasant and the streets were barren and empty. It was terrifying and comforting all at once. I arrive at my office shortly after and headed directly to my training chamber. Luckily it hadn't been touched by anyone, so I easily got in.

I quickly started, using my newly replenished strength to move efficiently to build everything I needed to.

As the morning progressed, I finally finished the chamber, marveling at my work. I dried a stray sweat bead forming on my forehead.

Just then, I heard the door just outside of the chamber room click. I rushed out to greet my brother and Yoongi.

Doyum enveloped me in a big hug, while Yoongi shyly stayed back, keeping his eyes on me.

"Alright boys, we've all got some work to do today. Counting today, we've got four days till the final battle. We all need some last-minute training to get in proper shape for this. You have no idea how powerful Minderean is, and combine that with his remaining latchers and generals, we'll be severely outnumbered if we don't train. I spent the morning extending my gravity chamber. You boys will train against each other in the original one. Keep sparring against each other, exploring the different features of the chamber. The goal is to be able to adjust the gravity to it's maximum and minimum and still be able to deal damage. But I don't want you guys overworking yourself. Call it a day whenever you want. That's all I've got. Any questions?"

The two shook their heads, determination filling their faces.

I smiled leading them to their chamber.

"I'm in the next pod, so let me know if you need anything," I said.

I left them and entered my own training chamber.

I had done a lot of thinking as to what to add to it, and I got a few basics down. I pushed the gravity levels so much further both ways.

I also added obstacles to face, as well as random power drains to see how to overcome stuff like that.

But before I turned anything on, I did something I'd been waiting to do forever.

Balling my hands into fists, I let out a triumphant shout, and let the power surge all around me. Brilliant gold sparks flew off of my body as if the power that had been long gone in my body was back and ready for action.

I calmed it down, securely letting it all reside inside of me.

"That felt amazing."

I walked over to the control panel, my hands hovering over the buttons.

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