"Relationship Status" P.1

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Dewayne Pov:(Pic of Devon on the side)

I really felt bad for Zaria. After seeing her in person, it really bothered me, they way people treated her. She shouldn't have to go throw bullying and body shaming daily. I can tell she isn't used to people she didn't know really being nice to her, because she definitely was giving me the the side eye, especially when I asked for a hug.

I understood her apprehension, but I wasn't interested in making her life at school any worse than it already was.

In this short time, I got the feeling that Zaria was beyond drained from Tracey constantly attacking her.

Again, I couldn't help but feel guilty for not paying more attention to what Tracey does. As much as I don't like admitting it, I've been complacent. I know that a simple "apology" won't solve shit. And while I try to distance myself from my popularity,  I don't want to continue to be oblivious to the backhanded shit my girlfriend does. I don't want to walk across that stage and know that I didn't say or do anything about Tracey. I really hope other people are able to see that.

I walked out of class I meet up with Tre and Devon on the way to my 3rd period. I made sure my counselor put a study hall class as my third period because I didn't want my homework to pile up. I wanted a class to chill, last-minute study, and most importantly get some sleep.

"Ms. Hudges was tripping on try to make me stay for detention. The fuck I look like doing that."Dev said annoyed with a straight face.

Tre gave him a look and smacked his lips, "How the hell you getting in trouble on the first day? What did you do this time? "

"Man, see that's that bullshit. Why do I always get accused for shit? It was all her fault. " Dev said annoyed.

Knowing Devon, he probably contributed to the situation escalating. He truly didn't hold his tongue on anything.

"No cap, you usually say sum outta line," I said honestly knowing I was about to laugh my ass off.

Devon smacked his lips," Mane she gon try to say I am disrespectful because ole girl was claiming she know we give her a hard time because most of us tryna smash -_-. ...Wut the fuck who lied to her?"

Tre laughed shaking his head, "Yo ain't she messing with Mr.James?"

"Exactly. Ion go for ancient thots. Ma'am you aren't my type. She always wearing makeup that doesn't match her complexion. AND WHERE ARE HER EDGES.?!! Like don't think that headband gon hide the fact you had to put out missing person papers for them edges and that imaginary cake." Dev said snapping.

I just put my hand over my face.

After Tre recovered from laughing hella hard he spoke, "That's why you got in trouble, you ain't have to go in on her like that. But come on, y'all walking slow like we ain't finna be late."

He was right if we were late for Mr.Brooks class, he'd make you stay late during lunch. Lord knows I wasn't going for that at all. We picked up our pace and made it to class. I immediately spotted Tracey as she ran up to me and crashed her lips on mines. I kissed back and wrapped an arms around her. She guided me to the seat next to her.

Tre and Dev slid into the row to right of us. To the left, I caught this bum ass nigga Javonte looking at me stupid. I instantly got irritated.

"Mane watch who the fuck you staring at." He knew I ain't really fuck with him, so whenever I'm in the room he needs to avert his eyes in the other direction.

"Baby just relax okay, just focus on me. Don't even worry about him." She said rubbing my hands, trying to calm me down.

I listened to her but I saw him smirk. The hell? As much as I wanted to wipe the mug ass grin off his face, I just brushed it off.  "Alright." I said finally, placing my attention back on her.

She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder. I took one of her hands and locked our fingers,"Did you miss me?" She asked looking up at me.

"Girl ain't nobody miss you." Devon said scoffing. I heard Tre cough back a laugh. I cut them both a sharp ass glare. I told them be respectful.

"Shut the fuck up and take several seats cuz I wasn't addressing yo basic ass." Tracey said snapping.

"Aye how bout both of y'all chill out. Devon I already told you, don't start," I said making them stop their rude ass stares at eachother, "And yes I missed you. " I said while leaning over and kissing her forehead.

She giggled. "Good. Because I missed you too." She replied giving me one of her seductive smiles.

I heard Devon making barfing noises in the background '"Boo! No PDA."

Tre busted out laughing I just shot him and Devon a glare. Devon laughed and turned around towards the teacher's desk. Why is he so childish? I never understood why him and Tracey couldn't get along. And even tho he's like a brother, I didn't like when he said little slick shit about her. I hoped that over time things wouldn't be so messy.

The bell rung and my attention focused on Mr. Brooks. I tapped Tracey lightly so she could sit up and pay attention. I know she hated when she had to move away but it was only a temporary thing. We both needed to finish in on class, especially this year. She gave me a stank look, but I just grabbed her hand and kissed it lightly, "Chill baby, we got to focus in class. I'll make it up to you later." I said winking at her.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "It better be good."

I smacked my lips, "Ain't it always good, you never told me otherwise."

"Like you said let's go ahead and focus on class. We can talk later." She said mockingly before pulling out her phone.

I made a face, but turned back towards the front of class. While I pulled out my notebook, I couldn't help but think. I got my brothers, my girl, and basketball. But I still feel like something is missing ...I just can't figure out what.


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