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Dewayne's Pov

She said it like I was a random ass nigga interrupting her life.

"I had to come see you. You've have been avoiding my calls and you blocked me. So I rolled up on you to see wassup. " I said bluntly.

"Well last time I saw you, " she began, sounding like her normal self, "you came at me with some dumb shit."

Man listen. While I'm not here to hurt her feelings, she already coming with an unnecessary attitude that annoys the hell out of me. But, I am too damn tried to start another arguement. Even with this simple petty shit pissing me off.

I handed her the bag with the snacks in it.

"Baby, I did not drive all the way here to argue with you. At least let me in so we can talk, I'm sorry for snapping at you, but we have to talk this out. If you want I'll take you to get can even get something to eat." I said finally defeated.

She looked at me for a moment, and I saw how pale her face looked. I wondered what was wrong. Was she sick or if something else.

I know she mad at me, but it was bothering me how strange she was acting. My eyes traveled from her face and noticed the shirt that she had on. I paused.
I never seen that shirt before. It was a Crew neck T-Shirt with the schools logo on it. I recognized it from somewhere but I couldn't remember. I knew from the cut that it was a Men's shirt, which confused the hell out of me. She never wore shirts like that, even the ones I had.

So where did she get that shit from?

"I appreciate you for stopping by. But I gotta get ready to go out with the girls tonight." She said while wrapping my arms around her waist. I pulled her into a warm embrace hoping she'd let me come in but I stopped short I smelled the shirt.

This shirt smelt different. It wasn't her normal scent or like any of the perfumes she used. It was something new. Maybe she just brought some new perfume, she loves the mall.

"Me and the girls are gonna head out around tonight. I was about to get dressed to go. Maybe we can take a raincheck-"

"Where is that shirt from?" I cut her off, wanting a straight answer. I don't why it bothered me so much but something it didn't seem right.

When she didn't answer right away, I moved her away from me so I look into her eyes. Looking down at her, I noticed she was shifting uncomfortably. With her doing that and her being quiet, I became irritated.

"I'm gone ask you one more time," I said feeling my blood beginning to boil, "who's damn shirt is it?"

"Watch how you fucking talk to me. You come here unannounced and have the nerve to get mad and shit. Clearly this is my shirt since I'm wearing it. But then again I ain't gotta answer to you." She countered pushing herself out of my arms, "With the shit you've been pulling lately you can't question me. You say you love me and want to apologize yet you're doing the same shit! If you going to come at me with this energy just go ahead and leave!"

I was about to give her a piece of my but I remember we were outside. The air outside was getting cooler  and I knew if we continued to argue outside her nosy ass neighbors would have something to say.

"Just let me in, so we can finish this conversation in private." I said fighting the urge to snap at her.

I saw a nervous look past through her eyes before she was looked away.

Something was definitely off. I wondered if her mom was home but I remembered if she was I would have seen her car in the driveway because she never parked in the garage.

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