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Zaria's Pov

(Dewayne's car in the media)

  I walked in his office. He was sitting in his desk with his fists were clenched. What did I do.?

"You called me sir? " I said cautiously, not wanting to make him any more upset.

His gaze hardened when and he finally looked up at me. "I give you a job right? Most people in Houston don't allow people of your age to really work but I took a chance on you since you were fourteen. Face you an opportunity and instead of doing your job, I hear that you have been being inappropriate with customers. You know the rules and you've been working too long to make dumb ass decisions like this. That's fucking unacceptable. And I'm not going to allow your hoes activities in my establishment. So consider this your last day." He yelled.

What the hell is he talking about?!

"You're firing me? " I said but my voice broke. He knew I needed this job, it was my only way to ensure my senior fees and college preparations were paid for. And he knew that. 

He laughed a cold heartless laugh. "I didn't knew you were deaf in addition to you being defiant. Is there unnecessary fat around them ears too? Yes I am firing you. Latriesha told me about how we're at the table flirting with a group of niggas when you supposed to be making my money and waiting on tables. Clearly you're intentions are more of your fast ways and raging hormones instead of doing your job. I'm not interested in having useless people on my staff. You have 10 minutes to get all of your shit and be gone. "

By now tears were rolling down my face. I lost my job behind me taking a break.  But because of this Latriesha in his ear she exaggerated the entire situation. It wasn't my first time even taking a break but I guess because she was salty about them not waiting to give her attention she had to and make up shit.

"Jack since I worked here you know that have always worked hard. I'm always on time, come in on times that aren't even on my schedule. You've given me Latreisha's shifts and I cover jobs when other employees don't show up.  I have been working here for 3 years and I have never slipped up. All I did was take a break, I wasn't flirting with them. Please don't fire me. " I said .

He smirked. " If you want to keep this job so bad, you know what you can do. But that is the only way I'd consider keeping you. "  he had walked closer to me and slid an arm around my waist. His hand lowered inches away from my butt. "But that depends on how hard you can work for me." 

I had to fight the bile that formed in my throat.  He smelled of cigarettes and whiskey, and he smelled like the activities he just had with Latreisha. I pushed him off me.

There was no way I was going to sleep with him. I refused to give up my body as some sort of plea,  and the thought of him touching me made me sick. He already has Latreisha, he isn't getting anything from me.

I scrabbled on the other side of the office my chest heaved up and down while I tried to conceal my fear. "No ."

He chuckled once again and drank from the bottle on his desk.  "Not only could you could have kept the job, but you could have got the best pleasure of your life baby. But since you wanna be stuck up, get your ass out of my diner."

He came towards me and grabbed me pushed me out the office slamming the door in my face.

I choked back a sob. What was I supposed to do now?

I walked towards the back and grabbed all my stuff.  I was tired of bullshit happening to me and just wished I could get away from all of this hell in my life.

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