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Dear Reader,

So here are my thoughts , bear with me for a second .

So, I recently read through the comments and I was dying laughing because half of the things were exactly what I expected them to be. Everyone was like "Bihh -_- the hell you running for?"

But you have to understand something , the fact she is scared, so scared of being in any sort of relationship. She did try once with a boy that her sister Mikeyla later stole from her. So unfortunately it kind of scarred her, in the long run . Think of it like this women are very emotional creatures , whether we come out and say it or not. And most of the time your first love can kind of imprint your memory forever, and can unintentionally affect who you choose to spend to spend time with in the future . And let's notice her self- confidence when it comes down to her personally is almost completely shattered. She has been emotionally put down by her own biological mother someone who is not even making an attempt to care for and motivate her own child.  Sad really. 

But the ever worse part of it is I have seen this happen somewhat in real life and know there is such a thing as being emotionally in pain. But what is the key to the growth of the plot as well as the characters in this book, pain can lead to purpose. And strengthen you in the long run.

So I would not necessarily call her dumb. She is just insecure and navie which can be products of having been put down for so long, this period is for her to reestablished as an individual. So she is going to act irrationally at times but she isn't used to. But don't lose hope as we can see she is starting to flourish and soon she will come into her own.  

And as far as her relationship with Dewayne. You will see how far communication and mutual respect from someone you love. As far as Dewayne getting "tired of waiting" yes in life that is a possibility but this isn't the case.  It all goes back to the title "The Chase". I have come to notice men are prideful . And whether they are the guy that has it all together or you dopeboy, if they want something and their mind is set on it they will go for it. And depending on how bad, they want it do anything to get it. This can also apply to a female they want for themselves. So he has already said previously he would take on the challenge of making her feel wanted and loved. All things great are worth waiting on ...

Don't worry the plot will lace together in due time. ;)

Okay , okay let me stop. Shout out to those folks who actually took time to read my thoughts, I hope they made sense. Give me feedback , so I know you weren't completely confused. I appreciate you for reading this book, and hope you have a blessed day.

Sincerely ,


A different , old soul, of Nigerian descent 


But back to the book.


Zaria's Pov

I took a deep breath and decided I was going to just tell her what was up, because there is no way you lie to Stacey or Tracey like no way at all.

"Mhm get to spilling honey, I seen how Dewayne whisked you off. " Candy said while sipping her sprite turning around in her seat as Stace drove.  

I felt myself blush as I finally decided to speak. " Well we were just walking around and talking. " I began slowly. 

Once we got to red light Stace turned around and gave me a look. "Mhm y'all have been hanging out quite a lot lately. Isn't that convenient ?" She said smirking.

"Mhm. Let's not forget how y'all always sit together in lunch . Looks like a little something more than friends." Candy said smirking, and wiggling her eyebrows at me.

The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя