Catch up

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What Zaria ended up wearing to the game is in the Media.

Zaria's Pov

After 2nd period the day just seemed to speed past. Around lunchtime I was greeted by my friends. But we didn't eat lunch together because they left with Tre and Dev. But they wanted me to stay and spend some "quality" time with Dewayne. It was interesting of course, I mean I didn't do to much talking because I am still hella shy around him. We made some small talk for the most part and then I asked him was he nervous for the game. When he said hell no,  I believed him. Since freshman year all you hear about is how raw our school team is and how Dewayne, Tre and Dev were born to play. They are at the absolute top of the school food chain . Unfortunately, I never had any courage to go to one of their games. But I gave my word to him, and I can't go back on my word. That and I was slightly persuaded by the position I was in earlier, with my heart hammering heavily in my chest.

I really need to learn how to keep my shit together so I won't fall apart in front of him. By me keeping my composure, and not letting my true feelings show, I can maintain the friendship we have now  and not mess that up by telling him how much I like him.

Besides why let yourself fall when you seem to always get hurt. And why put yourself out there?

Shaking my head sadly, I leaned back into my leather office chair, taking a deep breath. I let swept over the papers I spread out across my desk. Since it's been almost 2 months here at the job I have acquired many tasks and gotten used to the work flow. Aside from me creating new designs I worked hand in hand with the event coordinator to set up shows, and over events to advertise the new collections. And I actually love it. I get to work in a field I'm personally interested in, so much sometimes later to flush out ides and prepare for the next day.

Ms. Evans was kind and patient with me at first hoping I got used to flow of things. But after I adapted she set her expectations up high, which I had no problem with. Although I was worried how I was doing outside of my personal evaluation of myself, so Ms. Evans said would get together with me and go over my progress as an employee once I was ready.

So I just continued doing my best, finishing up every sketch, report and presentation I could. I guess I was doing something right because the pay was amazing. I don't think I ever earned that much money ever, in my life.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw my phone buzz. It was a text from Hayley.

Haybae: Zaria , Ms. Evans is on her way to your office, be ready! And when she is done let me know, so I can come get you and we can go on break. Good luck . 👍🏼😁

I gave my desk a look of alarm as I realized my sketches were everywhere. I organized them in neat piles and straightened up my junk (snacks ) inside my drawer.

Just as I replied to Hayley. I heard a soft knock at my door. I cleared my throat and hid , my phone in my handbag underneath my desk.

"Come in." I said politely.

The door opened revealing a strikingly, Ms, Evans dressed in a custom / tailored blue suit and Louis Vuitton shoes. Needless to say you could sense her authority .

"Good afternoon Zaria." She said politely with a excited gleam in her dark brown eyes.

She walked into my office and shut the door, quietly.

She then walked over to my desk and took a seat on the couch,where I do most of my sketches from.

"So you wanted to see me?" I questioned, while taking a brief sip of my strawberry lemonade I got one the way here.

"Yes. I came to give you some updates. " she said getting into business mode immediately ," I reviewed you and the coordinators draft schedule and report , which I was greatly impressed by. I wanted to give my few noes in person , and spoken self-evaluation, as well as some other jw dropping news."

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