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Narrator's Pov

Tracey was having a hard time registering that Dewayne had really broken up with her and Javonte unannounced visit completely ruined her chance with Dewayne's mom. She was at a complete loss of what to do next. She had approached Javonte trembling from the anger coursing through her. She continued to go off on him. " What the fuck is wrong with you?" She said not hiding the edge in her voice., " Why on God's green Earth would you decide to open up your big ass mouth on this day of all days to ruin a perfectly good relationship?" She said pushing past him and deciding to finally walk out the restaurant. She felt slightly embarrassed to have been recorded having sex. She felt like Tre exposed her like it was an episode of "Cheaters." How did he get footage and who was the person trying to make to sabotage her? She wanted answers, but right now she had to get out of sight and formulate a plan .

She didn't want to let Dewayne go she refused too, they had been together for so long and she loved him. And she believed their love was stronger than any lies and sabotage. She felt she knew him like her hand. If she got the chance, she would will him, beg him, give her body to him, so that she could earn him back.

As she walked towards the front of the restaurant, people incredulously staring at her due to the events that played out earlier. Everyone in the restaurant seemed to overheard the commotion, it was miracle security wasn't called. She knew she and Dewayne got loud, even though it was not in they way she would have preferred, they probably disrupted their meals.

She glared back at them with an icy glare that could freeze even the most remote humidity of the atmosphere. They looked away returning back to their dinners, a busy almost instantly murmur returned. She walked to elevator earning a few stares from guys , but she was so into her thoughts she didn't return the favor. She rode the elevator to ground level and had towards outside towards her car. She clutched onto the purse in her hands, along with her gift, tearing up again

Why did this have to have to happen today? We were supposed to be together right now. I planned to be with him right now, wearing the lingerie I got for him. But now I can't. I don't even know where he went , I can't even speak to him.

She sighed and put it in the back seat realizing she would spend the night all alone without Dewayne . She called him almost 15 times, wishing, hoping, she could go see him and explain. "He used to call me on my cell phone first." she said sadly.

She texted him and texted him even more. I just need to hear his voice, see him face to face and make him understand how much he means to me.

"Damn it Wayne. Answer me baby, you just ran off without letting me explain. Please call me back when you get this." She said into the voicemail, feeling the tears fall .

She just stared out for a while, so long she lost count when Javonte came walking out the restaurant.

His face was bruised up pretty bad. And the bruise delivered right below his adam's-apple was now turning purple. He wasn't full on limping but by there was slight limp that interfered with him walking normally. When the waiter came back with the security, Javonte asked for ice. After some time he was able to get some ice before he left, so the swelling in his eyes had gone down. He still had a smug grin on his face when he walked out. He still was beyond pissed at Tracey for trying to deny their relationship.

She cut her eyes at him when she saw him coming towards her car. She actually contemplated running him over while pulling out the parking lot but she knew she that since security was still on high alert and there was already a huge scene made tonight, it was much too risky.

"Fix your face. I told you you needed to tell him and that if you kept prolonging the bullshit, I was gonna tell him. I'm tired of having to keep the fact that we are in a relationship a secret. Knowing you probably would have just tried to fuck on both of us at the same time, like you been doing." Javonte said evenly,  sensing Tracey's attitude.

"I told you I would tell him when I was ready. You know I was trying to wait for the right time-"

"Nah you wasn't gon tell him that's the point. I am not gon sit here and continue to hide how I feel about you because of him. I could give a fuck if it's his birthday or not. I've been calling and texting you these past few days. You knew that and purposely tried to avoid me so you could try and make nice with that bitch ass nigga. Next time you want to avoid me make sure you stop sharing your location." he said glaring at her.

She just stared a him like he was crazy. "Move you annoying bitch ass nigga." She said walking towards her car.

Javonte let his anger surface. "Quit playing the fucking victim! There's no one here that you convince that you're innocent, because you're anything but . And me a bitch ass nigga? Yea okay. This is the same bitch ass nigga who you love, knows you best, buys you shit, and rearranges your guts anytime you want me to. When you get ya life together and quit crying them fake ass tears over a nigga you using for status. You hit me up." Javonte said grabbing Tracey by her neck and kissing her.

She was mad yes, but still returned the kiss. Just when she was about to get really into he pulled away and hugged her. She couldn't help but hug him back. "I gotta go , I know do. But this outfit you got on,"He said smacking her ass, "is making me have second thoughts."

She gave him a small smile and he returned it. She still had mixed emotions but majority of them lead to the thought of Javonte taking her to his house, a hotel, anywhere with a bed and ripping this dress off. She craved a man's touch- and while she had her mind set on Dewayne, Javonte was a good alternative.

"Depending on how things play out." she said seductively knowing she was getting under his skin making him rethink leaving her here. She was skilled in making men fall at her feet and often used those traits on Javonte. " Go handle your business, but I am checked into a hotel for the weekend. Feel free  to come through anytime. I would love the company." she said before kissing his neck softly.

He cleared his throat moving her hands of him, "I'll come through tomorrow. Sounds good?" he said smirking.

"Sounds Perfect." she said kissing him one last time and sashaying to her car already knowing he was looking at her as she walked away.

Her signature smirk reclaimed it's place on her face and she backed out her spot and began heading to her destination. She felt a surge of reassurance not having lost 2 people in one night. She had began formulating a plan to get Dewayne back.

She would get him at all costs, because they belonged together.

Step One: Eliminate the competition.

"He is my man and can't nobody change it!" she said while turning on her radio and shooting a text to her friend, Mikeyla.

Keyla 🙄🤍🧼
Bitch I got a situation . Think you could help me out?"

Mikelya was her right hand and told her everything she needed to know about Zaria. She knew if she wanted dirt on her, Mikelya was the one to ask.

Tracey thought back to how all of cards were exposed at a dinner table around people she hated, and she got mad again. Having Zaria there just intensified how angry and slightly embarrassed she self. She didn't like the idea of her enemies seeing her at a low point, she just had to get even.

There is no way a shy, inexperienced girl could compete with someone of my matured status. But imma knock you down lower than you already are just to prove my point. Just watch, pretty soon you'll be the one exposed." Tracey thought evilly as her phone sounded, signally a text notification.

Don't get mad, get even.



Okay so I'm going to have more up soon , hopefully by this weekend. I hope to get 2-3 updates out, who's pov would you like next?

Let me know you thoughts in the comments. Be sure to vote, read and enjoy.

Luv y'all. ;*

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