Calculations Pt.2

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Narrator's Pov

Well as you suspected as the reader, something is definitely up. See since Mikeyla and Tracey have came up with a way to "expose" Zaria they have been lowkey plotting with Zaria's mother, Janice. As the mother asked men she had dealt with on several occasions that lived around the city , as well in the neighborhood, but had no luck for the most part. 

So Janice had no choice but to rely on her daughter Mikeyla to see if she can find out anymore of where Zaria went to . Janice fuming knew she needed to play things smart and they could have their conversation minus all the people surrounding her ,. And she couldn't act too irrationally because she couldn't have any facts. Truth is she wanted to keep Zaria out of the public eye for economical purposes, his father left a sum of money to ensure Zaria to be okay. But as greedy as Janice is she kept it for herself, making a living off of her child. She intended to use this money up until Zaria was eighteen and then tap into the college fund. But she ran away, and if you ever made the chance to knowing Janice she doesn't play about her money. There was a time when she loved her daughters but something went wrong , and the fact Zaria wouldn't follow behind her as Mikeyla would, and  rather than not taking it personal that became the beginning of her grudge.  In the end let's just say Janice isn't mother material, and is in fact jealous of her own daughter. So out of her own insecurity she used the fact of her having authority to put a fear in her daughter making her feel horrible about herself because secretly Janice was envious o Zaria's natural beauty, especially as she grew over. And to make matter's worse she envied the connect Zaria had with her husband. As selfish as it sounds she wanted him to herself. To say she was a delusional crazy, disgusting soul, wouldn't be disrespectful, not at all.

But she was determined not to let Zaria out of her hold, no matter what the costs. She paid a visit to our favorite "bossman" Jack when she found out two things one , everyone quit at the diner so there was no more Applejacks, and Zaria towards downtown. But where downtown?

It had to be around someone with money, since Mikeyla told her all about the incident in the park with the car. Janice suspected none other than Heather Evans . Her arch enemy who always thought she was high and mighty because she had talent and graduated early . But Janice had the popularity that Heather always dreamed off, so as an act of good judgement she decided to take Heather under her wing. But that didn't go so well...

Janice grumbled angrily as she pulled outside the school just as the basketball game ended watching in anticipation tonight was definitely the night.




Dewayne's Pov

I can't believe Zaria actually ran no sprinted away . I was looking like nigga. Shit was crazy absolutely crazy. But there is no way I'm just letting her run away, we need to talk about this. 

As crazy as everything is though I don't regret kissing her. Not for a second and me being the dumbass I am I thought kissing her would help me calm down a little bit. But nah it did the opposite, having her in my arms , damn I almost lost my mind. But I would be lying if I said in due time I wouldn't want more.

But it begins by us talking it out. She thinks it was a mistake but it wasn't and I don't regret it one bit. 

I shook my head smirking remembering everything. Crazy part is as much as she did in the very end to get away she seemed to have forgot one important detail, she kissed back. And she moaned , I know she is probably hoping I didn't hear it but I did, that is what made it even harder to even let her go. 

In that moment I knew for a fact that she liked me, more than I originally thought. But she is  denying it . One thing she is gonna  learn is that your actions can overpower your words, so I look forward to what will come in the future. 

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