Ugly Truths.

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Zaria's Pov:

I checked the digital clock on my computer. I still had a whole over an hour before my meeting. With that much time to kill, would it be bad if I talked to him.

I was curious to know why he decided to reach out to me, especially since there were probably other people he could call. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about him, especially with the way he left his birthday dinner. The only way I could know his intention of calling was by talking to him.

"Uh yea I'm just sitting around for right now. What's up?" I said, trying not to stutter.

Dewayne's Pov.

I was just sitting down, bored out of my mind. Lately I been dealing with a roller coaster of emotions and it was driving me crazy. Part of me wanted retaliate, but I knew that wasn't going to help me in the long run. I didn't even really want to see Tracey because of her deceitful ways.

I wanted to talk to someone, hell anyone who I could trust. I would call my niggas but got some dates to get ready for, so I decided I'd them enjoy that. My mom was out registering my siblings for school, so I didn't want to interrupt her either, especially since she already gave me some solid advice. I just needed to vent I guess, since I had yet to verbalize what I was actually feeling. Out of everyone there was only one other person came to mind.

I picked up my phone to call her hoping as crazy as this was, she wouldn't be busy. Right when I felt maybe I shouldn't have even called she picked up. I smiled when I heard her soft voice flow phone the phone to my ear. A wave of relief washed over me.

After asking if she had time to talk and she said yes, I leaned back on my couch and gathered my thoughts.

"Is everything okay?" She said sounding concerned .

"Not really sure to be honest. I know I need someone to talk to before I go off and beat somebody's ass." I said blunty, with one specific nigga in mind.

"Well ... " she said nervously, "You already dropped him once, so it would be unfair and almost like murder at this point because you know the outcome." she said evenly.

I mean she might have a point. But see my issue is, I feel like he didn't get all he deserved. Hell I would have felt so much better if we weren't in a public setting, I could've crippled him. I hate being disrespected and once you do that, it's a wrap. " I mean true, but I went easy on him, nah I granted him a miracle by not knocking him smooth out and putting him in the hospital for about two weeks."

I heard her gasp on the other end of the phone. "-In the little boy off of Vine voice- Jesus Christ."

Even though I was being so serious, I have to admit that was cute. I laughed in spite of myself. " I mean what can I say , I have violent tendencies."

"Yes, yes you do . But I understand why you have been upset especially in a situation like this." she said.

In a very fucked up situation like this.

"Yea I must say it was probably the most MEMORABLE birthday I've had. No pun intended." I said sarcastically.

I heard her sigh. "I'm so sorry, truly, no one deserves to have something as terrible as that happen on their birthday." She said softly, full of emotion.

"It's cool, it didn't kill me so I guess I could be grateful for that. And why you apologizing, it isn't your fault at all. If anything I should have had my eyes open because the shit was obvious. And at least I know the truth."

"Yea but I know the truth can be hurtful." she said evenly

It does hurt, more than I thought actually.

The Chase. ( REVISING)(Urban)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ