Old Ties, Chilling Reconnections (Part II)

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"I knew I would find you here. You wanna explain why you decided to go ghost?" She seethed while staring at me coldly. 

End of Recap

I met the eyes of my "Loving and caring" sister and racked my brain on ways to keep from giving into her demands. She shouldn't intimidate me , hell I already beat her ass once .  I take a breath and allow myself to be for once ...calm, yet ready to throw hands at any given time.  

"Why are you here Mikeyla?" I said straight up. 

She just smirked, " I figured you'd be here. But you didn't answer my question." 

I looked at her like she was dumb. Like bitch...I know I just asked you a question as soon as you got here. Ain't no goin outta order bih.

"I believe I asked you a question first? This is the last place you'd come to just "hang out" so imma ask again." I said at her shooting her a warning glare. "Why..are..you..here?"

"Oooh..someone's got a little bold since they got they gotten to hang out with Dewayne and them.Don't get snippy with me hoe, mama ain't here so I can just whoop your ass freely." She said seething at me with that smirk that I would just love to punch off her damn face. "I should be the one asking you that? Since you decided to run away from home like a little coward. I hope you know this whole running away shit isn't gonna work, especially with you being so predictable. Now imma ask you nicely, since mom said, where did you run off to exactly?"

I hope she realizes this is a lost cause, the last thing I would do is tell her where I am living. And I must of beat her ass to the point where she had amnesia, because I distinctly remember knocking her out cold in less than 10 minutes , and walking away with barely a scratch. But hey I warned her what would happen if I caught her on the streets. And me being the good girl I am imma keep my word.

Feeling my annoyance rise I spoke carefully, yet still unsuccessfully to keep the venom out of my voice."Ok me being around them, anyone doesn't take away from the fact I slipped outta that hell hole. I think y'all just mad y'all live in maid service left. She must been getting on your ass to come find me, because only the true desperate actions of her searching for me would push you to come relive places from your past. I hope she is giving you hell." I said smirking." And as I recall it I remember you being the one who got knocked out cold."

I was slightly surprised by my sudden surge of confidence but decided it would be best not to let that be known. She scowled at me.

"Listen here you fat bitch." she said no longer with the slightly playful , taunting tone she had earlier. I knew I had probably gotten to her." You can't honestly think that you were going to get to run off free. Mom will make sure she finds you. If I were you I would take this as a chance to plead mercy and avoid all the shit that will come your way . Come on Zaria be smart for once. Stop trying to be that bitch. You will not and cannot ever be on that level. And the fact that you broke up Tracey and Dewayne proves you will do anything , everything to make yourself relevant. Besides, he will never see you like you see him. Him and Tracey are meant to be together and once he finds out that you like him, he is gonna fall back on you so quick. I mean what nigga in their right mind would downgrade for someone like Tracey to a fat, irrelevant hoe, who is just trying to be popular .  You can try to change your appearance but trust me when I say he will never see you as attractive. " she said tauntingly smirking coldly at me .

I felt my emotions swell up , with her bringing Dewayne into the conversation. With my unwanted, yet profound feelings for him , seeming to only deepen.

I know we will probably never be a thing, that isn't a place for her hoe ass to say especially after her decided to sleep with my crush over the summer just because I liked him.

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