The Name Game.

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Zaria's Pov

"Jack called me and told me what you did." She said as if she read my mind, "What I'm tried to figure out and why you are out here embarrassing me? Being inappropriate with a group of niggas on your job is unacceptable. I told you about being fucking fast."

"Mom listen-"

"No you fucking listen. You begged me to allow you to stay at the job with them raggedy ass people and you can't even keep your legs closed long enough to handle business. I'm getting real tired this bullshit. What would basketball players want with your sloppy built ass anyway? Worry about hitting someone's gym and keeping a job versus trying to get some attention."

"Basketball players?" Mikeyla asked with amused glare.

I blinked back tears. "I wasn't flirting and I wasn't even on the clock! I just sat down at the table on break. They are my friends from school, I'm not even sleeping with them!"

"Cut the shit, one of the employees told Jack! He ain't got no reason to lie on you and neither did she. So you can fix your face." My mom said.

"You sat a table with the varsity boys ? How desperate. I'm not surprised, you be all over them at school, especially Dewayne. Don't try to deny your groupie behavior in front of mom." Mikeyla said laughing. "Come to think about it, I wonder how Tracey would feel about all this."

"Stop." I said glaring at her. "It's not even like that."

"Everyone is calling you out, they all can't be lying on you. And messing around with someone else's man is pathetic . Not only are a disgrace but you're growing into quite the homewrecker."

"Tracey gone beat your ass and I can't wait." Mikeyla said smirking easily before pulling out her phone.

"Stop being a instigator! I'm not messing with Dewayne or his friends at all." I said frustrated when I was about to snatch the phone out her hand, my mom pulled me and slammed me against the wall.
I grimaced in pain as my back hit the wall abruptly.

"There won't be any of that. I'm not done talking to you."  She said smartly blocking the wall so I couldn't move. "Just tell them truth, and I'll let you go."

This time I couldn't help the hot tears that escaped my eyes. " I'm trying to but you aren't listening to me! This day has already been hard enough."

Next thing I knew my mom hand grasped my throat aggressively making me cry out. "Who the fuck you smart with?"

I tried to pry my her hands off my throat trying to get air before I passed out.  She smirked at me as I was gasping for air. 

Narrator's Pov.

Zaria was up against the kitchen wall and her mom had her hands wrapped around her neck. Zaria was trying to pry her hands off but couldn't break out of the hold. Seeing Zaria's disadvantage, Mikelya kicked her in the stomach hard while laughing.

"Did that hurt?" She asked teasingly, enjoying the fact her sister was getting in trouble.

"Not one bit." Zaria said glaring at her.

Mikeyla's laughter stopped and just as she ran towards Zaria to kick her again, her mom spoke. "Just finish texting Tracey I got this."

Mikeyla shot daggers at Zaria. "Bitch." She muttered under her breath before she left the room with her phone.

Once she got her food and disappeared upstairs, Zaria was left alone with her mom.

Trying to breathe as evenly as she could, she didn't bother to say anything. She just hoped her mom would let her go.

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