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Stace in the Media.

Bro she is so perfect!! 

Author's Note

Heyy guys! Here's my quick announcement 

 For you guys is that upon the finishing this book, I am considering starting a new project. ;) I know for a fact I am going to get in contact with some people to help them co-write some books but as far as me personally, I already have another 2 books in mind. Maybe even a series. So be on the lookout for that.

Also, to all the people who shout out their books, I haven't forgotten about you guys at all. I plan to take a day sometime soon, before Tuesday, which is my birthday. So to all the upcoming authors who messaged me I will read, comment and vote, just as y'all did for me.

And with that being said, I now present the latest update , enjoy. ;*


Dewayne's Pov

As soon as I leaned down and kissed her, she froze in shock. I wondered if she was planning to pull away but after a while she kissed back. I pulled her closer to me if that's even possible. I had no intention of letting her go, but that was simply because I wasn't thinking clearly anymore.

 And honestly I did plan to pull back but that all flew out the window when she kissed me back. She fit perfectly in my arms and even though I know she has no knowledge of much she stays on my mind.  I heard her moan after a while, which ended up turning me on even more, Just as I began to deepen the kiss even more, she snapped out of her trance. Her eyes popped open and she began squirming in my arms trying to get away. And although she was very persistent , I am way stronger than her. Even though it was hard, so hard...I let her pull back and looked at me confused. 

She blinked a couple times and was frozen in shock. I wasn't going to back down any time soon. And I was actually heavily considering kissing her again. But I decided against it because I wanted to know what she had on her mind.

After a while I realized she was still in shock but I could almost hear the gears turning around in her mind.  Damn did I have that much of an effect on her? I felt a smirk tug my lips as I continued staring down at her with a heated, expectant gaze. "You iight babygirl? " I asked with a tone dripping lightly with amusement.

Zaria's Pov

Oh my gosh.  Oh my goodness, sweet baby jesus he kissed me! 

I couldn't even think, or move. Part of me , I regret to say rejoiced at the abrupt unexpected turn of events.  The kiss was good, great..hell excellent beyond words. But I was not expecting it  at all, like at all. 

My able to somewhat think came back into  play, and all the questions flooded my mind. WHy on earth is did he kiss me? What about Tracey? 

There was no way that I was going to let my emotions get the best of me. Imma try my best to stay focused, and keep a clear mind. I felt his steady gaze on me drilling on me , and I really didn't want to look up.

But against all the warnings in my head, I did anyway. Once again I was looking into Dewayne's intense , ow darkened eyes. I always wondered why they turned a dark brown, but I couldn't bring myself to ask him. I swallowed the lump in throat and just as I was about to speak he decided to speak first. 

"You iight babygirl?" his said in his sexy deep as voice with his fine-

You know what I need to stop. Before I do something like drool .

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