Chapter 1: Lady Of Camelot

Start from the beginning

"Oh, stop it, you big baby, it's barely deep enough to stitch", I grumble. My eyes squint as I focus on the mere half-a-finger-long cut.

The man tries to bite his tongue, beads of sweat falling from his forehead as I do my work. I roll my eyes at his dramatics, looping the thread through five times before I seal the cut shut.

Cleaning the small wound is quicker than the first task. The man resumes moaning in pain as I finish my beautifully crafted work. His wife comes to his aid as I move away from the man, beginning to clean all the equipment I had pulled out mid-task. I brush the blood from my hands in a full bucket next to the desk, wiping my hands on the creamy apron tied around my waist.

"Alright, if you're going to put up a ruckus like that every time you get hurt. Maybe think twice before sticking your hands in the blacksmith's new equipment", I order, finger pointed at him. The gesture reminds me of a mother telling off her child.

"Yes, ma'am", he replies, head hung low.

The man and his wife begin to leave the room, thanking me. I return to packing and cleaning other equipment and remedies I used this morning. I hear the door open as the couple leave, followed by two shrieks as they exit into the hallway. I see Merlin squishing through the door, apologising to the couple as he does so.

"Well, hello, Merlin", I greet the Warlock, returning to my task.

"Edythe! What are you still doing here?" he beams, short of breath as he races to my side.

"What does it look like?"

"Like you're doing something other than what you should be."

"Arthur sent you?"

"Arthur sent me."

I groan, rolling my eyes as I slide past the warlock. I find homes for the equipment on the shelving. Gaius has made a system that we can agree on when it comes to being organised.

"Why does he always presume I'm not organised?" I grumbled, annoyed that Arthur still sent his servant to ensure I was on schedule.

"Because you're usually not", Merlin replies, eyes following me around the room. "You know you're running late, right?"

"I am not!" I defend, "I'm quite on time, thank you very much."

"You're not even dressed!" Merlin presses, gesturing toward my dirt-riddled and bloody clothing.

"That doesn't take long!"

"Gods save me", Merlin sighs under his breath.

"Besides. I don't see why he needs me to attend this council meeting," I grumble. I make for the back of the room, hidden from sight, where I can change into the spare dress I brought. "Arthur knows I'd rather spend time cutting off limbs and stitching wounds back together than talk finance."

As he waits around the corner, I shed my clothing, Merlin's shadow, on the ground. "He values your opinion," Merlin justifies.

"I know, I know. But Gwen's better at finance than me! Shouldn't her opinion be enough?" I groan, my voice muffled as I struggle to pull the dress over my figure.

"Do you need assistance?"

Stubbornly, I don't respond, trying to pull the back of my dress closed on my own. The task is a genuine struggle. A few huffs form in my throat as I try to bend my arms in an awkward position.

"Today would be nice, Edythe", Merlin clucks.

I groan in annoyance. "Fine. Merlin?"

"Yes, Edythe?"

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