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Dear Jaime,

You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen. You are the most amazing person I've ever met. And your dance skills are superb.

I know you miss me and mike and tony but you'll be able to see us In a few days. You'll be getting discharged and we'll go get pancakes and ice cream, your favorite.

I hope you know it's not your fault you had all those hallucinations. The medicine did that to you and it'll never be something you could've changed.

I heard the new meds are working better and I heard that you are missing us.

I'll see you soon enough hime time.

,love Vic.

And that's all I had been holding onto the entire time. Ever since I ran away when I found out my mom was still alive.

I'd spent the past week in this place. It's not fun here but it's comforting knowing that they got my medicine fixed. And I'll be seeing my mom and friends and vic in a few short minutes.

Not much tone later, I heard a knock on the outside wall and I looked over to see Dr. Roven peeking his head through the curtain that sufficed as my door.

They don't really trust you here with real doors. But I mean, it's whatever. I try not to let it bother me.

I nodded my head and he motions for me to follow him. I weakly lift myself off of the stone hard bed and follow him to his office where I see my mom signing papers.

I smiled and ran to her, practically knocking her to the floor.

"Hi baby boy. I'm glad you're doing better."  She said chuckling, hugging me back.

"Aren't we all?" Dr.Roven says smiling.

He instructs my mom to sign some papers and he had a small talk with me about how I had gone through a traumatic experience and it would mess up my head but I shouldn't let it get to me.

I half listened to him honestly just counting down the minutes until I'd get to have Vic in my arms and be surrounded by my closest friends.

"You know now that your mom wasn't dead and just on a business trip. You know now that Sed never did that to you and that you are ok. Correct?" Dr. Roven asks as apart of protocol.

"Yea yea I understand." I said watching the clock.

"Alright. Well you may leave the hospital now. Have a good day." He said with a kind smile.

"Take life easy man." I told him as I practically raced out of the hospital doors, after being escorted of course, due to all the locks.

When I finally got passed all of those locks and people I rushed Out to the fresh air. I closed my eyes and breathed in the refreshing scent and cool air.

"You act Like you haven't been outside in a week." I heard a voice say slyly behind me.

I turn around quickly, knowing that voice anywhere.

I practically jumped into his arms as he warmly embraced me.

"You fucking asshole, I haven't." I said smacking his head and smiling.

"You know I do it for fun. It's nice to see you babe. I missed you." Vic said pressing his forehead to mine.

"I love you." I said without thinking.

His breath catches and I see the pink creep onto his cheeks.

"I've been waiting for you to say that ever since I first saw that spiky hair of yours. God, I love you so much." He says, pressing his lips to mine.

"Alright lovebirds. I bet Jaime's starving. I heard mental hospital food is worse than prison food." Mike says breaking our kiss.

"Nah, Jaime's just hungry for Vic." Tony says nudging mikes arm.

"Oh my god guys!" I whined burying my head into the crook of Vic's neck.

"C'mon baby." He said letting me down, interlocking our hands.

"Let's go to Denny's" tony said rubbing his stomach.

"Sounds perfect." I said.

"Not as perfect as you." Vic insists.

"Shut up you cheesy little fuck." I said squeezing his hand.

And then my mom walked up behind us forcing mike to pull up his pants and for tony to put on his seat belt this time in the car.

And I was perfectly content with all of it.

(A/N fuck yea I did that. Bye homies.)

I stole stars for you (fuenciado)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon