Bite your lip again

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Songs of the chapter:

Ordinary human- Onerepublic

Emergency- paramore

Drown- bring me the horizon 💘💘😭😭👌

If I tremble- front porch step

Photograph- Ed Sheeran

*Jaime's POV*

I walked Vic home that night. We held hands and stole little kisses the whole way home. Vic's taste never left my lips.

He tasted of strawberries and twizzlers. I know the shake helped with his taste but he must have been eating twizzlers before our date.

Whatever the case may be, I can't stop tasting that sweet combination. And it's been four days.

Those four days have consisted of going to work, surviving school, secretly holding Vic's hand under our desk, lots of phone calls with tony about mike, and lots of sleep.

Sed left two days ago from the house and I haven't heard anything from him since. I'm not worried though. He does this sometimes. My mom left the same night he did so she doesn't know of his random disappearance. But that's good, I don't want her to worry.

Right now I'm just laying in my bed listening to bring me the horizons new song.

I really like it but the lyrics are a bit generic. And a lot of people say oli can't sing but I think he sounds the same as he did in 'can you feel my heart' which is really good.

This song has been all I've been listening to since yesterday. But that's ok. Because a wise woman once told me 'yolo'. Yea, my moms great at advice.

I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the sweet sound of BMTH and light rain pattering on the pavement.

I was almost asleep when I heard a noise.

Me, being the curious son of a bitch I am, went to go see what it was. It sounded like tapping on a window but it wasn't mine. I went to investigate my mom and Sed's room and if wasn't there either. I almost gave up when I remembered we have a guest room.

I tip toed over to the door and creaked it open. I slipped in, acting as if I was pink panther or something. I went over to the window and saw something I didn't expect to see.

Vic sat on the roof below the window, with his knees pulled up to his chest. I quickly opened the door and he turned around startled.

"Uh, hey. I-I know I shouldn't have come here, b-but I'm alone in the house right now and there's thunder a-and I just-"

"Hey, hey you can come here anytime ok? Why don't you come in and dry yourself off alright?" I cut him off In a worried tone.

He nodded and slowly crawled inside, taking my hand I extended out to him to help him down. He shivered after I closed the window and then I led him to my room.

"I'm sorry f-for coming here." Vic muttered softly.

"It's not a bother, I'm happy to see you." I say taking his hand once we're inside my room.

He nods and I look down at his dripping cloths. His breathing is short and uneasy and he won't stop shivering.

"You want some dry cloths to change into?" I ask in a soft voice to calm him down.

He nods and I walk over to my dresser finding a pair of sweats that looked small enough for him. I tossed him the pants and he caught it with shaky hands. Then I sauntered over to my closet, grabbing a 'queens of the stone age' shirt and handing it to him.

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