Football fields can be romantic

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Songs of the chapter:

You kill me- sleeping with sirens

Monster- paramore

Love will remember- Selena Gomez (A/N fuck with me)

Come as you are- nirvana

Everlong- foo fighters

*Vic's POV*

Things in my mind might suck sometimes, but right now I'm looking at him. And he is perfect.

He's in a muscle tee that exposes his beautiful tan skin but stays modest with a gray sweater to drown his small frame. His jeans hug his legs and the shoes perfectly tied the outfit together.

As we walked I never let go of his hand. It might be a little bold but I don't really know how else to show my affection for him. Plus he never protested.

"Where's mike?" Jaime asks while we turn down a street.

"Probably making out with tony" I say smirking.

He chuckles and nods "are they official yet?"

I think about it and answer with a simple "they're both to shy to ask."

He nods in what seems like understanding. We approach the school and I already hear the music coming from the gym.

It was 'all about that bass' how classy.

We walk to the gym entrance and before I open the door I feel Jaime resist against my hold on his hand. I turn back to find his worried face and I instantly felt bad for dragging him into this.

"Y'know social anxiety at a dance isn't unusual but it usually helps to have skin contact with someone to calm your nerves." I state pulling him in for a hug.

"I can do this." I hear him murmur to himself.

I squeeze his hand and lead him into the door. Once in the immaculate gym I notice all of the decorations. They're all flowers and plants. It's actually decent looking for once. As The loud music blasts through my ears, the only thing keeping me reminded of my surroundings is Jaime's hand intertwined with mine.

I shuffle over to the food table and Jaime follows my lead. I pour him some punch and I grab us a piece of cake to share, only on his request.

Then I guide him through the crowd of stupid teenagers and we sit at a table.

"Maybe school dances are supposed to be lame." Jaime says scooting closer to me.

"They're only lame to to people who know that life can take you better places than dingy gyms filled with rude kids playing horrible music." I say looking over at him.

He looks so beautiful. The light catches his jawline perfectly and the shadows of other people flash across his body and he looks like someone out of a movie.

If he was In a movie he'd be the main character. The one that all the girls fall for and all the guys want to be. He's just that good. He doesn't even try and he's perfect. The best part is. He's here.

And he's here with me.

"Very true. its sad to think the other kids think this is the best thing life holds for them. They'll be in for a pleasant surprise when they grow up and actually fall inlove with someone who deserves them. Someone who truly makes everything better." He says breaking me from my thoughts.

I look at him confused because I have no idea what he's talking about. "Wait what?"

He looks at me very seriously then starts laughing. "Stop day dreaming about Hayley Williams." He says.

I look up at him and raise my eyebrow seductively "she's my wife."

He pushes me playfully and jokes "you wish."

I look at him pretending to be offended. He laughs and we just drift into a conversation that was about nothing really but still could keep me entertained for hours.

Eventually a slow song begins to play and I look over at Jaime desperately wanting to grab his hand and twirl him around the gym. But I resisted due to the fact he'd probably pepper spray me. Plus this school is filled with homophobic people. I mean what school isn't really?

Jaime looks over at me and his eyes look bored.

"What do you say we blow this Popsicle stand?" I raise an eyebrow curiously.

He laughs and nods. I stand up from my chair pulling Jaime along with me and we maneuver through the crowd eventually making it to the gym entrance. I look around sneakily and release his hand slipping out of the door, Jaime following suit.

"What do we do now?" Jaime asks playing with his hair.

"Now we go on an adventure." I say grabbing his hand once more, proceeding to drag him around campus. After a few minutes of walking in the dark we arrive at my set destination.

He looks up from our feet and giggles.

"The football field?" He asks curving his lips to the side a little.

"I have a plan." I say then release his hand once again darting to the middle of the field. Then I remember that most of the lights around the field are broken but one works by motion sensor.

I walk over to the one close to the center of the field and if flickers on. I then skip to the very middle of the field and sit Indian style on the dead grass.

Jaime just looks over at me amused. And then he smiled.

His smile is so perfect.

I want to take a picture of his smile and out it on a T-shirt and wear it everyday. Oops. Creepy vic. Didn't mean for it to be that creepy.

He walked over to where I sat and sat down facing me.

"You know. I really want to tell you something. But I'm not sure what you'd say." I admit looking into his gorgeous yet dull eyes.

"I'm sure I'd be okay with what ever you want to say." He says looking at me.

"I'm just afraid you'd stop being my friend." I say looking up at the stars.

"I'd never stop being your friend Vic." He says grasping my hand.

The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering and it was quite annoying.

"I like you. A lot." I say looking at our hands.

"Well I like you a lot too." He says in a friendly tone.

"No. I mean. I-i mean like more than a friend. I've liked you ever since I saw you. You're really beautiful and I know guys are supposed to be hot but you're truly beautiful. And I know you probably don't like me back but I just-"

I was cut off by his lips on my lips and I wasn't complaining. I was shocked but I assure you, I kissed him back. I giggled against his lips and he pulled back, his lips still lingering on mine, smiling.

"I know what you meant dumb ass." Jaime mumbles against my lips.

"And I thought Hayley Williams was your wife." He states.

I giggle "you're my mistress." And then I closed the already almost nonexistent gap between our lips.

And when I pulled back from the sweet kiss I looked into his eyes, and for once, they weren't dull or sad, they were bright and happy.

Almost like he was actually starting to feel alive.

(A/N this chapter was sorta long idk but yay I updated the very next day. This was chapter was rly cute tbh. So you guys rock and this story makes me happy. Even though I'm hella sad today. Oh well have a gr8 day. Comment and vote and paint a picture of fuenciado smut.)

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