thank you

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on july 5th of 2014, i published the first chapter of this book later finishing it in november of 2014. it has been 2 years. 2 years of this book. the book that started my passion to write. i had always wanted to be a writer but this book gave me the courage to make my dream a goal. i am sitting in my living room and all the right moves by onerepublic just came on the radio, if you remember the story you'll know why thats significant. i just wanted to sincerely thank all of you for supporting me. i re read this entire book yesterday and its quite shit as well as filled with typos and grammar mistakes. i would go back and fix them but i like to go back and see progress. every single vote and comment means so much to me. i still today occasionally get notifications from people reading the book now. i'll never forget this story and the people who supported it.

i have since published a book on wattpad. it is a fuenciado story called deadly tendencies and if any of you have read that i want to thank you for supporting me beyond this book. the writing in that one is much better than in this book (thank god).

my heart is warmed with the gratitude i have for every reader.

thanks always

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