Bloody noses and rainy days

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(A/N i think I'm going to start putting songs of the chapter bc I listen to music while writing and it helps)

Goodnight, travel well- the killers

Adams song- blink 182

Repine- pianos become the teeth

Sad news in a quiet room- Keyes (featuring vic Fuentes)

*Vic POV*

I don't understand the point of existing if no one makes anything worth existing for.

Well I do. Jaime. But I don't think the feelings mutual.

I really want to go to the dance with him. I think it's sorta lame but I do want to and I can't ask him because rejection would be far to much for me to handle.

I'm currently tapping my pencil on my desk in last period waiting for the bell to free me from my agonizing thoughts. I look down at my paper that's half filled with notes and the other 50% covered in doodles.

I really need a better attention span. You know the glare from the light on the window is so shiny. You know what else is shiny? Wedding rings. I wonder who I'll marry.

I really need to stop thinking.

My mind begins to saunter and I don't even try to stop it. I'm pulled away from my thoughts of stars when the bell rings. I quickly throw my journal into my bag and begin to walk out of the door.

"Mr. Fuentes." A voice calls before I pass the threshold of the door.

I turn to see my teacher shuffling papers on her desk.

"Yes ma'am?"

"You're the brother to Michael Fuentes, correct?"

"Yes ma'am." Oh boy he better not be in trouble.

"Could you give him this tutor clearance note. It gives him a permit to enter the school before and after hours." She says handing me a small slip of yellow paper.

I nod and my curiosity gets the best of me. "Why does he need this?"

"Michael and anotonio will be tutoring each other in this class. It's a bit of an experiment for me to see growth." She says smirking slightly.

I nod and begin to walk out of the door, but not before I hear

"Have a good day victor."

You see, ms. Lannigon isn't a bad person but she's annoying as hell because she calls everyone by their full names. Like who does that? Old ass lady.

The halls are pretty clear, seeing as my teacher kept me late. Stupid chit chat. I started heading towards the door when I heard screaming from the boys bathroom.

I ran in to see something that broke my heart. Chris and his friends had Jaime pinned up against the wall and Chris was screaming at him while blood ran down Jaime's face.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I scream.

And in an instant all 4 boys heads turned towards me. Chris looked a but shocked and his friends looked scared. Jaime just looked tired and done.

"Boys let's go. We don't want to watch the fags make out." Chris says walking out of the restroom while the goons release their grip on Jaime and follow him.

Jaime stumbles but finds balance and just turns to the bathroom mirror.

"I miss the time when I wasn't so tired. I'm just worn out." He says looking at his reflection. His eyes looked dead.

I tried to find words to say but I couldn't find the words. So I just stood there and watched him silently shatter. Or should I say shatter even more.

"I'm gonna go." He says.

I'm about to tell him to stay so I can help him clean up and talk to him about it but he runs out and I quickly follow.

I see the back entrance of the school shut and I face towards the broken boy. Once I'm outside I realize it's raining. Oh great.

I look around and finally see Jaime running across this overgrown Field beside our school. I force my legs to go faster than normal and finally I catch up to him.

I wrap my arms around his waist and he stops just standing there staring up at the gloomy clouds and I know past that is the universe and we are just two humans stuck on this god forsaken rock.

I hear quiet sobs and I turn him around and he begins to bawl into the crook of my neck. I feel content here. This all feels right. I never wanted to leave this moment. Well maybe for him to stop crying and be kissing my neck but that's beside the point.

"I'm sorry" he says

Don't be. "Everyone crys. But dude. I don't run. You're so lucky I like you." I say suddenly realizing I let it slip. Hopefully he just thinks I mean the friend way.

I feel him nod against my neck. "Well you ran really fast." He says quietly. I smile and slightly giggle.

"You know I was thinking. And even though I said it's really cliche, I really want to go to the dance." I mention.

He pulls away from my neck sniffling slightly. "With who?" He asks looking into my eyes.

Oh shit. What do I say. Uh quick vic think of something. "With you" vic what the fuck. ", you know like as a friend. Because chicks a-are overrated." Nice save.

Jaime smiles and I swear it could cure cancer. His eyes lit up and i knew any star in the night sky would be jealous. God he's perfect.

"I'd like that." He says with a small nod.

"Great. But since we're soaking wet and your nose is covered in blood would you like to come back to my place and clean up?" I ask looking at his beautiful bloody face.

He giggles and nods so I grab his hand and lead him out of the field. Once on the sidewalk I let go of my grasp and his hand falls. He frowns and looks down at our hands while we walk. A few secobds later I feel my hand being intertwined with his and I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm emotionally unstable right now. Help a guy out." He says embarrassed.

I give his hand a squeeze and we walk back to my house silently, never letting go.

(Unedited btw)

(A/N whatttt? 2 updates in 24 hours? Yes. I know. Crazy right? I swear Perrentes will be in the next chapter. This one was a set up for future events so yea. K love you. Comment, vote, eat your Mac and cheese.)

I stole stars for you (fuenciado)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt