Mike AKA the egg

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*Vic's POV*

Ok so my nimrod brother just had to interrupt my perfect night. Like can't he wait for Green Day? Oh who am I kidding. We all know he just wants me home because he misses his big brother. I mean who wouldn't.

Woah Vic. Getting a little cocky there.

It's not that I'm a selfish bitch who only cares about himself- in fact up until about a year ago I fucking hated myself- but being with Jaime just made everything feel perfect. Oh and uh tony too.

Oh who am I kidding, Tonys great and all but he doesn't give me the smile Jaime does. Oh for fucks sake vic, I sound like a teenage girl. That's great. Just great.

As if my high pitched voice and small frame wasn't enough.

Wait what was I thinking about again? Oh, Jaime.


His laugh. His hair. His eyes. His music taste. His smile. Oh and don't even get me started on the dimples.

Ok I really need to stop this. I may be gay but I'm also a 17 year old guy. As all of these thoughts were running through my mind I didn't realize that I was on my street approaching my house.

How do I do that? I just think about stuff completely ignoring my surroundings but I make it home safe. Does my brain have a pre set gps?

As I'm unlocking the door I hear scrambling from inside. All the sudden the door jolts open and I feel like I'm being mugged. My brother snatches my bag containing my precious album and pushes me causing me to stumble backwards.

What the fudge just happened.

One minute I'm just minding my little Mexican self and the next I'm being mugged by my hermano.

Interesting night for sure.

After I collected myself I shouted "Mike, what are you doing?!" as I ran up the stairs following his path. I wait for an answer but I hear nothing.

"Ok you fucktard stop being such an egg and give me back my Green Day record!"

"Did you seriously just call me an egg?" Mike says with a bitch look on his face as he swiftly walks out of his room.

I nod with a smirk

"bro. Not cool." He states smugly.

"Look douchebag all I want is the album." I say getting tired of messing around with him

"Alright alright. Anything for you princess" he says making his way to his dresser retrieving my beloved record.

As he hands it to me I look into his eyes and say with a smirk "don't you ever forget it."

"You're such an ass." Mike yells from the other side of my door.

"We are very alike in that aspect." I slyly reply.

After that my night was silent. Well except for the melodic voice of Billie Joel Armstrong blasting through my speakers.

I sat by my window scribbling in my journal occasionally glancing up to look out at the silent night and quiet street. The faint glow of the street lamps illuminating the abandoned road causing me to think about bright things. Which led me to think about how smiles are bright.

Which led me to notice how Jaime's beautiful smile never quite reached his eyes. And that worries me. It worries me because I know what it takes to make a person that way, and I know it's not pretty.

As I was lost in though I barely realized that someone is walking down our street. I glance down to see if I know them and who I saw was not who I expected.

Jaime is walking down my street and obviously has a set location. Then I see him approach a house 3 doors down from mine and see him unlock the door and step in. And with that he was gone.

Something about this made me think back to a prior conversation. I remember mike saying something about 3 doors down.

What was it?

"JAIME!?" I yell bursting into my brothers room.

"What are you talking about fool?" Mike says ,obviously annoyed, as he turns down the annoying rap song playing.

"The guy. The one you met on your walk home. The one who lives 3 doors down. Is his name Jaime?" I say exasperated.

"Uh yea, why?" He says curiously. "Wait how'd you know?"

I shake my head with a slight smile as I walk out of his room back to my own fortress.

"You stalking me or some shit?" He yells through the walls.

"In your dreams." I say rolling my eyes completely ignoring the fact he can't see me actually doing the action.

"And he's in mine" I say softly murmuring to myself. This Jaime guy sure does run through my mind a lot.

As I was slipping my Dookie record into it's sleeve I thought about today and how great it was.

I had met a cute boy, made a new friend, caught up with an old friend, and messed with my brother. What could top that?

I even got burritos and a new record out of today. How awesome.

I heard my pops car pull in to the driveway and I quickly rushed to put my journal back in it's rightful place and crawl in my bed while flipping my lamp off.

I hear scrambling coming for mikes room as well.

You see, We wouldn't normally have a bed time but it was a long day at work for pops so we like to give him a quiet night when he gets home.

Thus ending my perfect day

Also leading me to a not so perfect day.

(A/N so I know I said I'd update yesterday but something happened preventing me from being able to do so. And by something I mean my laziness and unwillingness to stop reading another book. But I kinda made it up to u guys with a sorta long chapter. Kinda. I don't know. But thanks so much for 85 reads! Means a lot (: please vote and comment bc ily)

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