Tell me im wrong

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<Last chapter>

Song (only had one) of the chapter:

Edward Benz, 27 times- la dispute

(That's literally my favorite song ever ok)

*Jaime's POV*

After a sweet day with Vic, I finally went home to the dreary atmosphere of my home. Sed had soft music playing that I identified as Nirvana.

I shuffled into my room, closing my door. I walked over to my bed, grabbing my earphones as I sat down. I quickly plugged it in to my phone and put my music on shuffle, laying back on my bed.

I spent that night drowning myself in various melodies that all told different stories. Eventually my eyelids grew heavy and I pulled out my earphones. I rolled over to my alarm to set it for work.

And eventually sleep came.

When I woke up, I heard the real friends song. 'Lost boy' blared through my room. I sighed and hit the off button, slithering out of bed. I shuffled down the stairs and heard noise in the kitchen.

I walked over to the kitchen door frame and saw a sight that made me want to faint.

My mother stood by the counter pouring my favorite cereal into a bowl. She noticed my presence and looked up at me smiling.

"Anything exciting happening at school today?" She said in a cheery voice.

I felt like I was having déjà vu. My mom was here. She's supposed to be dead. Plus today's Saturday.

"Today's Saturday. A-and what are you doing here? Am I dreaming?" I said very unsure.

My mom looked over at me with a concerned expression.

"Honey, it's a school day. And no you're not. What's wrong?" She asked In a worried tone.

"W-what do you mean? No it's Saturday." I said backing away from my mom who was approaching me.

I looked over at the tv and noticed the news. It had the date displayed and my eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

That wasn't today. That was months ago. Several long months ago.

"No. That tv is wrong. Why are you here?" I shouted in confusion.

"Honey, that news report is from today. I'm here because I'm your mom and this is my house. What happened?" She asked walking over to my now shaking body.

My mind processed everything so rapidly. I felt like I was going to explode. I didn't understand. I didn't want it to be true. I couldn't contain this all.

Tears freely fell from my glassy eyes as emotions shot through me. Sadness, relief, confusion. Everything all at once.

My moms not dead.

Sed never hit or touched me.

I never met tony.

Mike didn't run into me after school that day.

Vic didn't exist.

None of it ever happened

"It was all a dream." I stated coldly.

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