Fucking burritos and greenday goes missing

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*Vic's POV*

As I walked home from school with my brother, we both came to the conclusion that we were hungry. I decided I would go by Taco Bell and pick up some burritos for us and meet mike back at home.

As he headed in the direction towards the house and we split ways the silence became to much. My thoughts began to race and think back to previous events in the day.

I thought about that boy. I had 4 classes with him and sat next to him in 3 because he had the only open seat. I thought that was weird because he wasn't some weirdo or anything. He seemed normal. Well a little more than that. He was very intriguing for some reason and I couldn't keep him out of my mind.

In my first class with him he looked up at me and his eyes were so mesmerizing. I never knew brown eyes could be so beautiful. Ugh. Vic. Stop. I know I'm gay but am I that gay? Oh gosh.

As all these thoughts were racing through my head, I realized that I had reached Taco Bell. I went In and stood in line trying not to focus on the boy. I heard the door open and turned around to see Jack. You see, I'm new here and all but I've known jack for awhile because he used to throw the sickest house parties and everyone in town went to them.

"Hey man what brings you here?" I say looking back at him with a smile.

He looks up from his phone and notices me with a smile. "Oh hey man, just here picking up some burritos for Alex and I" he said.

"Oh cool. I'm just here getting burritos too. Except I don't think Alex is waiting for me at home. That would be mike." I said slightly laughing

"I would hope Alex isn't waiting for you. That two timing jerk." Jack says sarcastically

"Oh you too finally decided to tell each other your feelings for one another?" I said knowing that jack and Alex have liked each other for years.

Jack starts giggling and says, "well it was a little different then that but that's another story for another time."

I make a playful surprise face "oh jack got himself some." I joke.

Jack playfully nudges me and points toward the cashier. Oh I didn't realize I was next. I told the girl my order and and stepped to the side watching jack give his.

When he handed the girl his money she handed him a strip of paper with her phone number on it. I slightly laughed seeing as he was gay and taken.

He glanced down at the paper and what happened next was pure gold. "Oh sorry lady I'm in to dicks but I'm sure the nice 50 year old gentleman behind me would love to give you a call some time." He says with a straight face.

I bust out laughing and pull jack over by me, out of the way of the register, and rip the number from his hand throwing it away.

"Oh man what'd you do that for? I was gonna hook mr. Prune juice over here, up!" He complains still laughing.

I shake my head "you're a mess"

"But I still get more action then you." He slyly remarks.

My number is called and I walk up to get my food. On my way to the door I hit jack and say "text me some time man"

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were hitting on me" he says with a playful tone.

I just shake my head and laugh. "Try not to fuck your burrito." I say remembering this one time at a party while he was drunk.

"No I'll save it for Alex." He says slyly while laughing.

I just laugh and turn around as I start walking out of the door and down the road. The whole walk home was filled with me thinking about the boy from school and trying not to eat mikes burritos.

When I finally got home mike was siting on the kitchen counter texting some one. He looked up and raced over to me almost tackling me to the floor in the process.

"Dude it's just food" I say while he's ripping the bag away from my hand.

He looks up at me with a very serious face. "How dare you? This is not just food. It's burritos. And not just any burritos but TACO BELL BURRITOS!" He yells grabbing me by my shirt collar shaking me.

"Calm your tits." I say grabbing a burrito.

Mike just laughs and starts devouring his food.

"So who were you texting?" I ask curiously in between bites.

He smiles down at the ground and says "this kid I met at school. He's really cool."

"What's his name?" I ask prying

"Tony. His names tony." He says with a tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Hmmmm. So is tony guy gonna get a little taste of Michael Fuentes?" I ask jokingly, Knowing mike is bisexual.

"Shut up" mike says chuckling and hitting my arm.

"So did you meet anyone else new today?" I ask hoping he made friends because I certainly didn't.

"Yea I met some chill people but there was this one guy I met that happens to live 3 doors down." He says

I nod in interest "oh really you should invite him over some time."

"Well I did today but he has work so he said maybe another time."

"Well that's cool" I say.

After that silence crept over us while we ate.

When we are both done eating we go sit in my room listening to my old Greenday records. I get up to change the album to 'Dookie' but I can't find my copy of it. I start panicking and run into mikes room looking for it.

"Dude it's fine just go to the record store and get another one." I hear mike call from the other room.

I sigh and grab my wallet from my room.

"I'll be back in a bit. if pops comes home just tell him where I am." I instruct

"K" is all I hear before I'm out the door.

It's around 9:30 at night so the air is a bit chilly but not bad at all. I mean this is San Diego. While walking to the bus stop I pulled out my phone and put my head phones in blasting 'the used'

The trip to gordon blvd. wasn't long. I quickly hopped off the bus and headed to the coolest store in San Diego. I literally just love it there.

I walk in and take out my headphones and hear a beautiful voice welcome me in the shop.

I look up to see the boy. The one I haven't been able to get out of my head.

"Uh thanks" I mumble.

He looks up at me with wide eyes.

He must recognize me too.

( A/N so I finally switched to Vic's POV. I feel like this chapter is short. Idk. Ok well comment, vote, keep reading (: love ya. Oh and btw I'm probably gonna include Perrentes in this. And you can tell I added jalex as well.)

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