Strawberry shake with a side of fries

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Songs of the chapter:

local man ruins everything- the wonder years

Dear god- being as an ocean

Strange comfort- the color morale

Condolences- touché amoré

Bastard- front porch step

*Jaime's POV*

Vic said yes.

I mean, I'm not clueless. I was pretty sure he would. He kissed me. And asked me to the dance, where he also kissed me.

I'm not trying to be cocky, just being logical. But my problem now is, what will we do on our first official date?

I'm the one who asked, so the pressure is on me to plan it. I was trying to wait for him to hopefully ask but I was caught in the moment and couldn't wait any longer. Stupid brain.

But I'm glad I asked him. Then I'll get to kiss him more. And stare at his pretty face, and-

I really need to stop.

Think Jaime, think. What does vic like? Well he likes the color black. And he likes night time. And I remember he likes scary music. I thought about all of this while sitting in my backyard staring at the grey clouds hovering above me.

Oh. I have the perfect idea.


(5 days later bc I'm hella lazy and yea)

*Vic's POV*

I stood in front of Mikes door about to walk in when I hear a loud bang come from inside. I turn the knob quickly and rush inside to just find him lying on the floor. Asleep.

The idiot must have fallen off his bed. I'm not surprised he's still asleep, he sleeps harder than concrete. I sigh and know there's only one way to get him up at this point.

I go over to him and jump up, my behind hardly landing on his back. I hear a grunt followed by a a muffled 'ow'

"Get up dude." I say still sitting on him.

"Why? It's like 9 in the morning." He whined.

"More like 8 pm." I pointed out to him.

"Same thing." He shrugged.

I laughed and stood up so he was able to turn over. He did so, but kept his eyes closed causing me to frown, even though he couldn't see my actions.

"C'mon dude I just want to know if my outfit looks decent." I persist.

He finally gives in opening. one eye then immediately opening the other and sitting up quickly.

"Damn Vic, if you weren't my brother- Nevermind." He cuts himself off and I laugh.

"So it looks good?" I ask shyly looking down at the ensemble I put together.

"Very." He nods, then crawled back into bed.

I nod and walk out of his room. I proceed to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I had on black skinny jeans, black and white converse, and a red button up shirt.

I think I did pretty well considering I'm a 17 year old boy who knows nothing about fashion, except that band shirts are always ok to wear.

As I was fixing my hair I heard a knock at the door and I automatically dropped my comb and raced to the door. When I opened it my eyes almost went out of their sockets.

I stole stars for you (fuenciado)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें