
Standing inside the monitor room with everyone else, we watched the big screen, waiting for the battle to commence. Midoriya and Uraraka started by sneaking around the building, probably trying to find the nuclear weapon. There was no audio, only visual screenings, so we were not really able hear their conversation. After minutes had gone by, we were surprised by Bakugo jumping out from the corner, palms raised in attack, aimed at Midoriya. He dodged, fortunately.

"A surprise attack from the start? Bakugo that's cheating!" Kirishima exclaimed. Along with the others. This is where I started to drown out their voices of exclamation. I have to think ahead, Ojiro's quirk is a tail, he surely must be well adapted to it. He is more of a short ranged hero then. I broke out of my thoughts, by now, Midoriya had tried to wrap Bakugo with a tape of some sort.

"It's a capture tape, turns out once you have that wrapped around the heroes we'll win." Ojiro piped up from beside me, he probably noticed my confusion. I nodded in response. That made it easier for us then. I could hold down the hero while Ojiro wraps them with the capture tape. I could only hope that whoever we fight against with has a quirk that wouldn't cause us trouble.

I was astounded at what I'm seeing at the moment, I zoned out for a moment and now Bakugo and Midoriya had blown up the building. There was a large hole now and Midoriya's right arm looked broken. I looked at the other screen, and Uraraka is now holding a pillar, she swung it and rocks flew towards Iida. While Iida became distracted with the hurling rocks, Uraraka took the chance to jump over his head, landing on the weapon and successfully retrieving the weapon. It all happened too fast, that nuclear weapon could have blown up from all that stunt they pulled. We were all silent, shocked at what had transpired.

Midoriya was taken out with a stretcher, his arm was broken. While all of us were gathered inside. "The MVP of this battle is young Iida!" All Might presented, Iida was in shock, as is all of us.

"Does anybody know why?" This made me think, Iida was the only one in the battle who didn't do such rash and dangerous actions. Midoriya and Bakugo had blown up large-scale attacks, and the stunt that Uraraka pulled with the rocks could've altogether risked setting of the nuclear weapon, all of it done indoors. The building could've collapsed from all that, really.

Someone raised their hand from the front, "That is because Iida adapted the most to the context of the training." She started, she continued on for what felt like forever, explaining the details of their errors. All of that time we were silent, listening to her go on. By the time she had finished, All Might had his face pulled into bewilderment. Great, he was probably the one to explain that to us, way to go.


After the whole thing between Team A and Team D was finished, All Might announced the next to go. It was us, Team I against Team B. Our role is to be the villains, and Team B would be the heroes. Team B consists of the guy with the split hair, whose name I caught to be Todoroki Shouto. The son of Endeavor, the number two hero. Great, he's probably a prodigy. Along with him was Shoji, whom has multiple limbs with his arms.

Ojiro and I stood inside the room inside the building, we're in fourth floor, and we're posted in front of the nuclear weapon.

"So I'm guessing you made a plan earlier? You were zoned out almost the whole time." Ojiro said to me.

"Of course, you have the capture tape, right? We'll wait for them in here and when the time comes I'll hold them down then you can wrap them with it. We should stay out of sight, it would be better if we surprise them." I explained to him, he nodded then jumped up and wrapped his tail up the beam in the ceiling, hanging upside down. I simply pressed myself in the wall by the door. So if they come through the door, I'll surprise them with their back turned.

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