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I'll be frank, I have no idea what happened between leaving Aunt Belina's house, that crazy bat to the moment I got back to campus.  I know somehow I got home. But everything was a meaningless blur. The futile small talk around the dinner table with Ben and mom was lost to my inner chatter. Whatever Sierra did with her food...No, I have no idea, until I just realized I was standing in front of the gate of Uni. Someone bumped into me and I woke up.

"Clay," called a voice behind me. Then a hand shook my shoulder, I jumped at the contact. When I turned around she was here—Anabelle. No! I shouldn't use her name. she will find her. She frowned at me. "I called you like a thousand times and you just kept walking. What—?" she paused and found a crowd staring at us. Yes, I was famous now and not in a good way. I had to blink a couple of times to be sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Hey, man," a guy wearing a coca-cola shirt slapped me on the back. He smiled broadly then disappeared into the crowd of strangers. Anabelle dragged me by the arm and leaned closer.

"I tried to contact you. I was a little scared—maybe a lot. There are rumors running wild," my vision wobbled, I pushed my way through the wall of bodies. Some were recording our conversation on their stupid phones. Anabelle trailed behind. I didn't want to know about any rumors. My head was about to explode with the revelation at the crazy bat's house. Something vile was haunting me. And I needed to get rid of it as soon as possible. What happened last night? Did it happen again? Was I in my bed last night?

"Get out of my way," I snapped. "Don't you have anything better to do?" I shouted at a girl who thrust her phone in my face. I smacked it away and she yelled her rage in elaborated curses. We escaped inside the main building. When the door closed behind us, I saw more stares poking holes at us. They giggled and pointed at me.

"Shit," I breathed. "Come with me," I took Anabelle's hand and pulled her along the corridor, and hurried to the science labs.  Curious students peeked over their shoulders as we ran.

"Clay, wait," she panted. "Clay!" she shouted louder. I stopped in the middle of the covered passage that linked the chemistry lab to the audiovisual club.  Her eyes darted from the left then the right. "I'm not a student here. This will get you—and me into big problems," I let out a startled laugh. I didn't even consider that. No, I didn't think at all. I was sure my mind froze the moment I left the porch of aunt Belinda.

"I'm sorry," I ran my hand over my face. I noticed I was wearing the same clothes I did yesterday. The bottom of my jeans was smudged with mud. "I'm— I'm dealing with a lot of disturbing things, right now," I everted my eyes from the suspicious mud. She crossed her arms over her chest with a puzzled look. Yes, I was probably looking like I felt. Wasted.

"Does it have anything to do with what happened to Thomas—?" my head sprung in her direction so quick she froze. Wrinkles appeared between her brows.

"What happened to Thomas?" she hesitated, took a deep breath then our eyes met.

"A friend of mine—who is a friend with her girlfriend, Candice," she paused to see if I was following. I nodded once. "Told me that he was transferred to a specialized establishment," she finished. I heard that from Mom.

"His father only wants to protect Thomas from—" I started with a heavy sigh.

"No, wait. Last night, the other one. What's his name? Ed? He was found dead—" 

"Wait what?" I held her by both arms and shook her. Her eyes widened. She shrugged out of my grip. Did I scare her? Probably. I was scaring myself with my blackouts and missing memories.

"H-he hang himself in his room," she voice quivered. "The forums are on fire. They are saying it's a curse. Others that a bad spirit from that app thing. What they are saying is insane. I got scared when I couldn't get to you," her eyes welled up.

(She was the first person I wanted to save. I wanted to be a hero and face the dangers. Ana... no, I must never write her name. That thing will know. And if it finds her I will never be able to forgive myself. I did all this to save her. 

I've never been in love before. It was always just flirting and fooling around. 

She was my first. I worst was the shitty timing.

Why does the worst happen at the same time as the best?)

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