The truth

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Ed didn't answer right away. He stared in the distance while shivering. I waited just when my patience wore thin and was about to open my mouth he looked up at me.

"We sang that creepy song. I-I couldn't stop it. The words just pulled out of my lips. I had no control over what I was doing like when you're completely drunk and everything spine out of control," he shook his head. "We danced in front of the camera then I found myself climbing down the stairs. It was dark. When we were out of the front door," he paused his eyes dropping to the floor his respiration irregular. "I-I laughed I don't know why... I just laughed while Thomas hopped in his SUV. You got in the passenger side and I climbed in the back," he stopped to catch his breath.

"That's impossible. I don't remember any of that," I stared at him a little scared of his accounts. His eyes were glued to the floor. A violent shiver ran through his frame.

"We drove... I don't know where. We were all laughing like mad. I'm still trying to figure out how we didn't crash. But after a while. W-we stopped in the middle of nowhere. Thomas let the engine ran and the lights on. This part is hazy but we got off... walked through some sort of forest. There were tall grass and mud. It was all dark. The kind of darkness I rarely experienced. No street lights, no houses in the background. Just solid black. Still, we walked like we knew where we were going," he paused again to swallowed. I was sitting on the edge of the bed that feeling in the pit of my stomach getting worst. Somehow I believe him. But this was too crazy.

"At some point, we reached a clearing. It was a slight hill. I could see the moon peek down at us from a thick cloud. I-I was mesmerized by it. It drew me in. Then you and Thomas were digging something in the ground. I don't know what," he shook his head like a puppet. A frightening mechanical movement. My nails sunk into the soft mattress trying to hold a grip on something solid while quick flashes jabbed into my brain too quick to understand what they were. My heart raced inside my chest.

"We sang and dance when a box was extracted from the mud. Then we ran back to the car I can't explain. I-I can't explain. I can't explain," he repeated his last sentence till it faded into an incomprehensible murmur.

We sat in a thick silence for at least five minutes when something came knocking on the window next to the bed. We both gasped and turned to look at each other. Ed's eyes were wide with fear. 

"What the hell was that?" I asked a little nervous, eager to break the awkward silence. We got up Ed pulled the blinds away from the window and peeked outside. Another knock on the window pane made him flinch.

"It's a stupid croach," he said flatly. I leaned closer and saw at least three cockroaches crawling on the pane. My thought went bad to what that old lady said. But that was only crazy talking.

While we were staring outside all the lights died. The room was completely black. The street in front of the apartment block also. At least three blocks were in total darkness.

"Shit!" I said a little too loud. Ed dumped into me as he let go of the blinds.

"I-It's that thing. I'm sure. It's back to-to get us," he whined.

A light buzzed made us both swirled to the center of the room. It sounded again. I took a step towards it. It sounded like a phone vibrating.

"Ed is your phone somewhere in the room?" I said over my shoulder. Ed was making high pitched noises not very masculine.

"I-I threw my phone in the toilet when I got back from that trip we took in the forest," he said between sobs. My leg bumped into the bed I lean forward to touch the mattress.

"Then what the hell is..." my voice trailed off the moment my eyes rested on the red lock screen of a phone sitting in the middle of the bed.

[a/n- truth, it is tricky. I'm sure what I'm writing down is the truth. My truth. I'm sure there are many versions of it. But lately, when I think about everything I went through...maybe it was only a dream. But the reality of this cell hit me hard. It's almost 5 months now. Will they let me leave here one day?]

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