another blackout

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"I wasn't really interested at first. But Thomas kept talking about it over and over again. He was like obsessed with it," a shiver shook his whole body. My eyes dropped to my laps. I knew this whole thing was trouble from the start.

"What about that box, you said we retrieved one?" My mind kept going back to that episode in the forest. I couldn't stop thinking about it. He didn't answer. I gave him a puzzled look. Ed leaned forward and grabbed a potato chip bag next to the bed. He pulled it opened and started munching with his eyes lost in the distance. I sighed giving up. He clearly didn't want to talk about it. That meant I'll have to ask the other one involved in that incident. Thomas. I couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

By midnight, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Even if we've poured a ridiculous amount of coffee and sodas in our stomach, it didn't help the fact that we were both dead tired. I drifted into terrifying nightmares that made no sense. Darkness wrapped around me while I ran in wet tall grass. 

I woke up sweating and gasping for air. I looked around me confuse to where I was. This surely wasn't my room. Large rectangle lights coming from the streetlights pierced through the windows with no curtains on the wall opposite to me. This was not Ed's room either. Where the hell was I? I sat up and bumped my elbow on a low coffee table. The potted plant next to it nearly fell down. A couch came in view in front of me. I rushed to my feet in a panic. 

"Ed?" I called. But the room was silent. This must be a nightmare I thought to myself. But it felt utterly real. I let out a shaky breath and looked around. If this was real there must be a switch somewhere for the lights. I went closer to the wall next to the couch and ran my fingers over it till it hit a square shape. I switched it on and yellow lights flooded the room. I squeezed my eyes from the sudden brightness. Where the hell was I? I scanned the room and found photo frames by the door of smiling Ed and his mom with an unknown man. Probably his dad I guessed. That meant I was still in his house. But what was I doing here all alone?

I walked through the door, it took me to the corridor where I first greeted his mom. It was dim it was silent. I made my way to his room and found the door wide open, the desk we used to block the door pushed aside. I switched on the lights. The bed was overturned, the posters on the walls torn, and his books scattered on the floor. Ed was nowhere to be found. His digital clock lying near the door read 5:17 am. My pulse picked up.

"Ed?" I called in haste. I switched on the lights in the apartment as I searched for him. Checked his mom's room, the kitchen, the living room. No Ed.

"Shit!" I punched the wall in the entrance. The door was still locked. He must be here somewhere. Then I realized I haven't checked the bathroom. I rushed to the door at the very end next to her mom's. When I pulled on the knob it resisted. I rattled the door on its frame.

"Ed are you in here?" I yelled while banging on it. A small whimper came from the other side.

"What happened? Please, open the door," I stepped away waiting for an answer.

"You-you tried to kill me," his voice came out high pitched.

[a/n- I was chained to my bed for a week. I was on the verge of insanity. I kept murmuring that it will come. It will come to kill me if they didn't do it before. They filled me with drugs. The week went by like a hazy nightmare. I'm so tired. I want it to be over.]

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