The house

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The car turned left to the street where Thomas lives. This neighborhood perched on top of the hill with Edmond University at its foot. Rich villas stood on both side of the street with a row of trees on the left side. There was no circulation, we spotted an old lady walking her tiny dog as we reached the front gate of the house. Ed killed the engine. The gate was locked and we couldn't see the house from here. A thick wall of solid vegetation helped conceal their ugly house from curious onlookers.

"That's strange," said Ed as he leaned forward to peek at the heavy iron main gate. "The is closed," he opened his door and got out. I did the same and Candice hurried to our side. He pulled on the gate making sure if it was lock and it was.

"The door was wide opened when I left," I stared in confusion at Candice. Ed ran a shaky hand in his short hair. 

"Ok, that can only mean... Thomas is back," he turned to the gate control keypad. Hit the speaker key.

"Thomas? It's me, Ed, could you open the door please?" the tiny metal box remained silent. Candice shoved him aside and dial the code to the door. Ed turned to her with arched eyebrows.

"What? I'm his girlfriend of course I know the code to the door," she snapped back. The door groaned and slowly parted. Candice didn't wait for it to open wide. She squeezed between the bars and ran down the lane leading to the house.

"Thomas!" she yelled desperately and disappeared out of view. Ed waved after her.

"Wait! Damn it," he turned to me and tossed me the keys to the car. "Bring the car to the front of the house. I'll go after her," he swirled around and sprinted after her. I went to the car and waited for the gate to be fully opened then turned the keys and slowly drove inside. I could still hear Candice screaming Thomas' name but I couldn't see any of them. The house came in view, a tall somewhat creepy cake with too much icing. It loomed over me as the car approached. The lane took a slight turn and I could see the front of the villa. The spot where Thomas' black SUV was parked was empty. I let out an unsteady breath. That sick feeling in my stomach was getting worst.

"Shit" Candice ran before the car. I hit the brake just in time. The tires screamed on the gravel before coming to a halt inches away from her. She stared at me with huge saucer-like eyes. Her mouth was wide opened but no sound came out.

"What the fuck Candice! I almost run you over!" I shouted sticking my head out the window. Ed appeared behind her. She was on the verge of tears. Ed pulled her into his arms.

"You ok?" she simply nodded. I got out of the car slammed the car behind me the noise made her jump.

"I'm sorry, she just came out of nowhere," I protested. Candice shook her head then turned her gaze to the second floor. Our eyes followed hers. The terrace was empty. The house was quiet. Seemed like no one's home.

"Come let's get inside," she whispered. Ed held her close fearing she might collapse any minute.

[a/n: I didn't sleep or eat. I'm shivering in bed. I think I'm sick. They will let me die here in this filthy place. I miss mom. I miss my friends. The few I had. I miss her.]

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