Welcome party

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My eyes met the new owner of the castle over which my father used to rule. I felt like an iron grip squeezed around my heart. I kept trying to forget his name and almost did. But mom always stepped in to force it into my mind.

"Ben," called Mom from behind me. That was his name. I gave him a tight smile. The large man approached me but I stepped aside afraid of a physical connection. The baby waved a hand at me I turned my face in the other direction. 

"Clay!" scolded mom. She glared at me and took the infant from Ben. "What did Sierra do for you to hate your own little sister?" Ben scratched the back of his head with a stupid smile plastered on his face.

"Linda, hate is a harsh word. I'm sure Clay is just not used to be around small children that's all," he nodded at me while pressing his lips together. I stared at him with dead eyes. I was not going to play buddy with him.

"I don't hate anyone. Mom didn't ask for my opinion and I'm not planning to stay too long," I did my best to make it sound lighthearted but it ended up mechanical and dry.

"That's fine, we will do a barbecue with some friends on Sunday. It would be a good opportunity to catch up," smiled Ben. His eyes darted from mom's frowning face to mine. We all stood in silence, baby Sierra didn't have one care in the world she just smiled and kept waving her hands at me.

"Look, Sierra really likes her big brother," said Ben trying to lighten the atmosphere. I deliberately moved away from them towards the stairs.

"My bag is sort of heavy. Can I drop it in my room?" I was ready to climb up when mom and Ben shared a concerned look. They seemed to be agreeing on who was going to tell me the bad news.

"Clay! Mmh, we have moved Sierra into that room," said Ben waving his hands. When I frowned at him he panicked. "No! No! Don't worry we've arranged space in the laundry room," he hurried to my side and climbed in front of me to the landing. "You'll see it's a nice room. We just call it the laundry room cause Sierra needs extra space for her napkins, diapers, and towels," he babbled. I eyed him with suspicion. I sighed and followed him as he wouldn't quit explaining all the renovations he did in the house. Frankly, I stopped listening long before we reached the corridor. We stopped in the middle, there were four doors. My old room was on the left along with the master bedroom. Dad's old office and Sierra's old tiny room were on the right. Just when I thought I was going to regret being dragged into this bad weekend stayover it got worst. Ben turned the knob on Dad's old office. I felt blood ran out of my body. 

After Dad's death, mom had refused to set in that room and even locked it when she got with this guy, Ben. This must be a freaking nightmare.

"What's wrong Clay?" he asked. He held the door wide open for me. "Linda said she'd made her peace and I should clean everything out," he went on. I dash to the door expecting to see the office as it used to me and Dad sitting in his favorite chair facing the window. He liked staring out on the street pretending he was writing. When all he did was a daydream. However, it was not all the cream wallpaper with stripes that were gone. Replaced with bare white with a large cupboard where his office desk used to be. A single bed was pushed against the wall on the opposite side of the room. An iron cabinet with large baskets stood next to the washing machine. The curtains with lemons were gone too. Dad once said it helped squeeze the inspiration out that's why he always smiled when he saw it.  I grabbed Ben was collar, his eyes were wide with fright.

"Yo-you..." I stuttered. "Where did you... Please, tell me you didn't throw his things away?"

(I wonder how is Sierra doing? Will she remember me? Will she know my name... that I'm her brother. Her big brother. Will Ben one day forgive me? 

At night, I don't know any more about time. When I lay in bed, I think about all the events before that fatal night. I think and rethink each step that brought me to that forest. Why did I go to that forest alone? I keep turning the problem around... I don't know. Maybe it was might to be. )

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