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I sat in a corner of the room as they went with the recording. I watched them with detachment. I don't know, but all of this seemed off. Thomas had to do several takes before getting the right intro. I've never been much into movies or videos. Even less how to make them. It was practically the first time I watched someone record a video. I meant mom did make lots for my birthdays and school events when I was a kid. But it was the first time I've witnessed someone make a professional one? If you count Ed and Benji as pros. Now that I think about it, it's not such a big deal.

"Clay, come over!" called Thomas. I haven't noticed when Candice disappeared, only when she came back with paper bags. Hunger was causing blanks. He handed me a warm greasy bag. The sweet aroma of junk food made my stomach rumbled with delight.

"Your first payment," smiled Thomas. I nodded with a grin. Yes, baby! Food! I fished into the bag of treasure. The other guys hopped on the first row of desks and dug their food. I took a mouthful of my prize and moaned softly as the samurai sauce dripped on the front of my not-so-fresh t-shirt. This burger was fucking insane.

"Good, hum?" Thomas smile around a mouthful. "I can't stand the food served in the Cafeteria. So, I always order at my fav spot." He took a sip from his giant milkshake. Candice was eating salad from a transparent plastic container. I never really understood the whole salad thing with girls. It never filled my stomach, it left me wanting more.

After our improvised lunch, Thomas and the two extras went back to work. This was an interesting part. So I moved closer. Benji held the smaller camera near Thomas's phone while he explained what was going on.

"So folks here is what you've been asking for. The 3 am app. This is my phone. My personal one. It's not a cheap thing that I'm going to throw away after this video. It's the real deal." he wiggled the phone in front of the camera. That guy's acting was really natural. Maybe he has been doing it for a while. Note to myself: check Thomas Graham's youtube channel. 

"First you must have the authentic message via Facebook. Guys, there's a lot of fakes out there. Links with viruses and malware that will fuck up your phone and steal your data. Beware." He shook a finger at the camera. Damn, I didn't know that thing was real. It's kinda extreme to lose everything on my phone. Benji zoomed on the phone's screen as Thomas scrolled through his messages.

"I got the real link from a good friend off some shady forum... that I'll not mention. I don't want to get in trouble." My stomach did a weird flipped. That was not the burger. All of this suddenly seemed too real.

"Here we go. The page of the 3 am app is a very simple one. Static banner with a woman's face screaming. Nothing fancy just plain text. There's an install bouton you click on it and voila!" 

The room went silent, the section of the campus we were shooting was rarely used

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The room went silent, the section of the campus we were shooting was rarely used. The wind rustled the leaves of the tree outside the window. Birds tweet merrily in the branches. We held our breath as Thomas clicked on the install button. A progress bar appeared. We waited for the thunderstorm and table to flip... but nothing happened. Nothing. Only that sick feeling down my stomach.

"Done," added Thomas.

"Cut," mumbled Ed.

They wrapped everything up pretty quickly and we waved Benji and his friend, Ed, goodbye. Thomas and Candice... more like Tho-dice, were finally reunited to form the 4 legged-beast once again. They accompanied me to my classroom which I knew I was late. The bell has rung long ago.

"See you later, I'll pick you at 7." Thomas slapped me on the back as I reached for the door. Damn, I hated that. I gave him a weak smile and went on to face the demon, Mr. Kendell. Management was not something I fancy. Mom and her damn choices! She's the one paying for it, I might as well finish the thing get a diplomat. I didn't see myself at a white-collar job. It sounded boring as fuck.

"Clay Burns, glad you could make it to class!" called Mr. Kendell as I made my way to an empty desk. The other students giggled softly. I knew since I saw mom's message that my day will be crap. Thanks, mom!

[a/n- I now remember my full name. I am Clay Burns. I used to be Clay Burns. But now I'm only a number. All of this seems so distant now. Like I've dreamt it all. I woke up last night to a scratching sound in my cell, again. I'm afraid to close my eyes.]

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