Down the rabbit hole

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The moment I left the cafeteria my stomach started groaning. Like some monster was going to pop out. I don't know what those two were planning but I wasn't comfortable with it. let's hope it's not something illegal. I'm not exactly the type of guy that liked to stand in the spotlight.

I followed them to a corridor, that led outside by the science department. They were glued together. Like a four-legged beast that giggled and whispered god knows what under its breath. Couples are scary. I shivered in disgust.  

"Where are you taking me? It better be good. I hate jokes" I said shaking my head. Thomas gave me a quick peek over his shoulder. His grin widened when he saw how uneasy I was.

"Don't worry it's just around the corner. We just want to check something out." He turned to Candice who curled against him. They rounded the corner and went into an empty classroom. Two guys were installing cameras by the window. They looked up as we entered.

"What took you so long?" asked one of them. "I've got everything installed. But I'll have to return it back to the audiovisual room by this afternoon," added the guy in a black hoodie with GAMER printed in front. What kinda gamer shows to the world she or she loves to spend hours away from reality. This guy had not panda eyes from endless hours staring at a screen. With his stylish ashy blond hair and well-kept bear, and perfect complexion there was no chance he even played pokemon go. The other one had the basketball team jacket on. What was I here for? Definitely a trap.

"Clay?" called Thomas, I instantly looked up. He had let go of his beloved half and was standing in front of the cameras. "Come closer, I'll explain what we are going to do." He waved at me to come over. I reluctantly joined them.

"See, Benji and Ed here have been helping me with my youtube channel." My eyebrows went up. Thomas on youtube? He laughed when he noticed my surprise. "Yeah! I have a youtube channel and it's doing pretty good. I investigate stuff like haunted houses, urban legends, and abandoned buildings. It's crazy how much people like creepy stuff," he paused and peeked at his half to make sure she was still breathing. She batted her eyelashes at him. I rolled my eyes. How irritating. I was probably jealous.

"Have you heard of that 3 am app?" his smile widen. "My viewers have been pestering me about making a video about it." So the setting and the cameras were for recording his experience? Why waste my time? My lunchtime? My burger and fries? I want my unhealthy food.

"You don't really need me, right?" I asked the question that was running around in my head. He waved me away while chuckling. I don't like being mocked. I was probably insecure. Maybe. Definitely. Then he looked up with a serious face.

"Candice is held up tonight. Family dinner and Benji has a match tomorrow. I need you to check the camera at 3 am." A shiver ran down my spine. He said computers. Now I needed to help him with his recording? 

"Wait 3 am?"I almost shouted. Candice stepped in.

"It's not a big deal, you just have to stay over Thomas' house one night," she smiled at me.  That didn't help my racing heartbeat. I wasn't scared of that app thing. Ok, maybe a little. It was mostly the fact it was going to happen at night. I was sure it was fake anyway. 99.9%

"We'll have pizza and beers," added Thomas. Pizza and beer helped me relaxed a bit. I nodded after a long silence and everyone staring at me made me nervous. Talk about peer pressure.

"Ok," I said trying to convince myself it was a good idea. I was not. It was a terrible idea. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans. I wasn't a coward. I am. Shut up, stupid voice.

"Cool," replied Thomas grinning with relief. 

"Let's get this video rolling. We'll film the section where I install the app on my phone first."

I completely forgot the fact that I was hungry.

[a/n-Sometimes, I sit at night and can't stop writing. The conversations with Thomas and the other kept rolling in my head. Sometimes, I think I'm going insane. But I have to go. I need to write this. I don't know how much time I have left.]

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