Slaves to our instincts

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3am APP>

It only takes one share for a rumor to spread like wildfire on the web. With those hermits that literally camp on forums and youtube comment that activity can only blossom for as long as people like to gossip.

The moment I got to the cafeteria that app thing, along with some anime I'm not planning to watch, was the hot topic. People get hooked on anything. Sex. Drugs. Shopping. Social media. Cat videos. Stalking strangers' profile pages.

Today's menu was the same as yesterday's. Junk food. It's viciously good. It will probably kill your social status too= extra inches on the midriff. #foodporn #junkfoodforlife. Heard that beer belly is the new sexy.

I got in line eager to get my hands on some fries and a juicy burger; when Thomas and his girlfriend, Candice, approached me. He had his arms around her shoulder, dragging her along while she smiled foolishly. They thought they were the most popular couple on the campus. But that was up for debate. I don't exactly hate unnecessary clingy couples. It's just that they don't have to rub it in my face all the time.

"Clay my man! What's up?" Thomas smiled at me. We kinda knew each other since kindergarten that didn't make us best friends. Candice nodded at me.

"I'm waiting for my lunch" I tipped my chin to the 10 people in front of me. His smile grew larger.

"Why bother?" he asked. Cause I was hungry stupid! Sometimes I wonder if there's a brain somewhere in that skull.

"Come, I've got a way better plan than burger and fries" a weird light dance in his eyes. I've got to admit I've hung around Thomas 2 or 3 times and it never ended well. Candice giggled knowingly. Damn it, it must be a bad plan. Something you want to run away from.

"I heard you sort of know your way around computers, right?" I stared at him puzzled. "Right?" he repeated. I slowly nodded. Who doesn't know how to use a damn computer nowadays apart from my old grandma. I love her a lot. Still, she can't use google to save her life. She even types with one finger. 

"What do you want from me, Thomas?" I asked out of exasperation and hunger. He pulled on my sleeves trying to get me out of the line.

"I want to try this thing... like a challenge." He winked at me. Did that guy just wink at me? Get out of there Clay. Run!

"I'm not interested. I'm not that good with computers. Find yourself someone else." I shrugged his hand away and stepped back in line. The girl behind me, rocking purple highlights gave me a dirty look. Don't care. Food first!

"What if I buy your lunch for the next 3 days!" shouted Thomas over the chaos of clicking plates and gossiping teens. It piqued my interest. But I wasn't going to fall for it.

"If you find me a girl plus the 3 days lunch... I might be interested" I shot without looking at them. There's no way he will accept that. I knew it. I only wanted to get rid of him and his annoying smiling girlfriend. Thomas is...was loaded, he does...did insane parties I was not invited to. He only hangs with his rich buddies and jogs. He will never allow a nobody like me in his vicinity. And I didn't want to be around him either. Thomas= BIG TROUBLE!

"Deal" he shouted. For a moment I thought I heard him wrong. I peeked in his direction and saw that wild grin on his face.


[a/n- I don't know how many days I've been locked in this cell. I don't remember most of the trip to this facility. The personnel doesn't speak to me. I'm scared it would come for me. I'm sure of it]

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