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before yoojin knew it, the last lesson had ended. fortunately for her, no one had noticed her dejected mood for the rest of the day. or so she thought.

on her way back home, all she could think of was how to explain her grades to her parents. dread filled her to the brim, her stomach dropped at the thought of upsetting them.

her mom had told her that they did not care about her grades, but her attitude in learning instead. however, she knew that her mom only said it because her grades back then were perfect.

yoojin was unnaturally quiet during the whole dinner with her parents, picking on her food and not hearing them calling out for her multiple times.

after the dinner filled with her distressing thoughts, she handed her parents her flawed report card.

the long period of silence was too deafening for yoojin.

"why did your grades slip so much? you used to be all 'a's."

'don't care about grades' my aśs.

yoojin only shrugged and left to shower, not wanting to deal with her parents, who were still in shock at her 'awful' scores, any longer. she glared holes into the shower wall as she stood under the pouring water.

she didn't know if she was more mad at herself or her parents. she couldn't help but wonder, what if her grades had been mediocre since the start? would that make her parents have lower expectations? why were grades the only thing people cared about?

sighing, she got out of the suffocating shower stall and left the bathroom after putting on her pajamas. she let her body fall onto her cozy bed, feeling both physically and mentally drained.

yoojin rolled over to her side and stretched her hand towards her school bag. fishing out the pack of gummy bears that her classmate jeongin had given her, she couldn't help but grin a little at the image of the boy's contagious smile.

her phone suddenly emitted a 'ding' sound. she reached over to the bedside table for it, and saw a notification from instagram informing her that someone had liked her post.

reverting her attention at the pack of gummies, even though she didn't like sweets much back then, it did make her feel somewhat happier.

[pic of gummy bears in the dark] he gave me gummy bears. guess it kinda made me feel better on this awful day.
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jeongin got a new post notification from instagram. seeing the new post by '', he smiled feeling satisfied with his efforts in trying to lift up the spirits around him.

he was still a little lost in identifying the account owner though. just then, the scene of yoojin playing sad songs on the piano resurfaced.

is it yoojin? but she had always been a cheerful girl...

「 ⌦ 」

[ ch. four fin. ]

[ 10:57 ; 14 mar 2020 ]

GUMMY BEARS 𖤐 jeonginTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon