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ever since the accident, yoojin had been going to the hospital to visit jeongin every day. she would buy various snacks, gummy bears in particular, to cheer up the injured boy.

as their second summative assessment was starting in a little more than two months, yoojin brought her notes, textbooks every time she visited and studied with him.

jeongin being in the hospital had motivated her to pay extra attention during classes, so that she could understand what the teachers were teaching. that way she would be able to help the red-haired boy catch up with his studies.

the thrilling news of that bastard who jeongin had once called father being thrown into jail had also been broken to them by his lovely mother, who managed to get a new job in no time, just like what her middle child had said.

on the friday of the sixth week of jeongin's stay in the hospital, yoojin arrived room two-o-eight as usual. seeing her appearance, the boy sitting in the bed could not help but smile.

"hey, yoojin. how's school today?" he asked as the tired girl flopped down onto a cold plastic chair provided by the hospital.

"just the same. mr. park gave us a pop-up quiz today in math. i think i did okay? i'm not sure though..." she went on talking about her day at school.

jeongin listened to her babbling while staring at her, taking in her lovely features. he was dazed by how her eyes sparkled under the sunlight that shone into the room through the opened window, the way her mouth created a little pout when she was pronouncing some words.

spotting a lone baby hair that escaped her ponytail resting weirdly on her lashes, the red-haired boy stretched his hands towards her to brushed it behind her ear gently.

yoojin halted in her tracks as his soft hand made contact with her face. blushing slightly, the girl mumbled a 'thanks' before continuing to tell him about her day.

" are your assignments, by the way. the teachers told me to tell you that you can find them if you have anything that you don't understand," she was fishing out a folder with homework inside while informing the hospitalized boy.


after a moment, the pair started to do their separate work. only occasion sound of pages being flipped came from them. the warm atmosphere wrapped around them like a cozy blanket.

in a flash, the sun had set completely and the moon could seen hanging high up in the sky. the relaxing breeze of the night blew in through the window.

"yoojin? it's almost ten, you should go home," jeongin said once he checked the time.

"okay, okay, let me finish this chapter."

the boy said nothing and pulled out his phone. after making sure that the focused girl wasn't looking, he went to check her account.

seeing the last post, in which she expressed her worry towards him getting into an accident, was made about a month ago, he got all giddy inside knowing the girl had made progress in getting better and happier.

about half an hour later, jeongin felt a pressure next to his legs. looking down, he saw that yoojin had fallen asleep with her notes in her hands. shaking his head at the hard-working girl, he took the notes and placed them in her bag.

the cherry-haired boy loosened the sleeping girl's hair from her ponytail with care, knowing she would get a headache if she kept her hair tied up. he ran his fingers through her soft black hair gently.

"visitors! visiting hours are over," a voice said from the hallway outside the room.

recognizing her as the nurse who he had seen often walking around on the second floor, jeongin waved his hand at her.

"can yoojin stay for the night? she looks so tired," the boy gave the nurse begging puppy eyes.

she hesitated for while, but agreed to it nevertheless, "fine, but you should go to sleep now, jeongin. it's getting late. i'll grab her a blanket later."

before the nurse left the room, she went over to turn off the lights. smiling to himself, the happy virus was glad that he seemed to have managed to get everyone whipped for him.

after the nurse had gone out of sight, jeongin turned his attention back to the girl resting besides his knees. he felt the quickened thumping of his heart against his chest as he took in her peaceful state.

yoojin's everything had made him feel like he was on cloud-nine, accelerating his heartbeat every time he laid eyes on her. from her beautiful smiles to her little habits in talking that no one had ever noticed, they had never failed to astonish the boy.

and that night, with the gentle breeze of the night embracing the pair under the moonlight, was when jeongin had a realization.

he might just had fallen head-over-heels for the girl.

「 ⌦ 」

[ ch. twelve fin. ]

[ 09:47 ; 20 mar 2020 ]

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