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[trigger warning :: wounds n' hospital]

once yoojin had received the call from jeongin, she immediately sprinted to his house with a full set of her mom's first-aid supplies.

when she rushed into the house, the hurt boy had stood up the best he could and turned sideways to avoid the girl from seeing the wounds on his face. he then insisted she should check on his mother first.

yoojin found the locked room where the woman and her youngest son was located in and knocked.

"mrs. yang? can you open up? i'm yoojin, jeongin's friend. he said you got hurt just now and i'm here to check on you."

as the door opened, the girl could see a red handprint on the woman's face. a younger boy was peeking behind his mother with fright visible in his eyes.

"are you two okay? do you need any help?"

"we're fine, honey. but i think we should check on jeongin. he got beaten up by that son of a b!tch," she said while holding yoojin's hand, leading them to the living room with jeongin's younger brother trailing behind quietly.

the younger girl's eyes widen as she saw just how badly injured jeongin was. he was leaning his back against the wall for support on the floor with a pained expression, scattered bruises and small cuts on his face.

while the yoojin knew how to deal with his facial injuries, she was pretty sure he had a broken rib or two and it would be better for her to not touch them until a professional came.

his mother also crouched down next to the hurting boy, feeling heartbroken at the sorry sight of her son. yoojin didn't notice the tears that kept dropping onto jeongin until his shaky hand cupped her face telling her to not cry.

in no time, police and the ambulance came, and the boy got carried to a hospital nearby. on their way, he tried to hide his agony, but it failed escape yoojin's worried eyes.

soon as they arrived, doctors and nurses hurriedly brought jeongin into a room to do their job, leaving yoojin with the wounded boy's mother and brother at the hollow hallway of the place.

only god knows how long the trio had sat at the cold benches surrounded by the nauseous smell of carbolic acid.

"yang jeongin's guardian or family members?"

the woman leaning on yoojin's shoulder shot up and raised her hands at the doctor, "here. i'm his mother."

"his condition is stable as of the moment, no important internal organs have been damaged. however, he has four fractured ribs, two on each side, and a slightly dislocated right wrist. jeongin will have to stay here for roughly a month or two," the doctor, who was holding a clipboard, explained.

mrs. yang replied, "may we see him now?"

"yes. he has been transferred to room two-o-eight, which is a floor above. visiting hours start from eight in the morning to eleven at night, in case you haven't been informed."

"thank you," yoojin bowed a little as she followed the other two on their way to the room where jeongin was staying in.

the doctor nodded in response and left without a word.

「 ⌦ 」

[ ch. eleven fin. ]

[ 14:34 ; 19 mar 2020 ]

GUMMY BEARS 𖤐 jeonginOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz