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jeongin had ended up being discharged on the very day. the doctor said he had to stay at home for two more weeks before returning back to school. also, he had to go to the hospital for checkups every other week until further notice.

his mother, who received the news in the middle of her work, had requested for her manager's permission to let her leave work early. luckily, her manager was really nice and allowed her to leave. she had arrived the hospital in a flash and taken jeongin home without delay.

the following weeks, yoojin continued to visit jeongin every day. she would bring gummy bears for the boy, and take her notes to study with him.

in the blink of an eye, their summative assessment would be starting in roughly a week and the well-recovered boy's stay at home was coming to an end.

"honey, i'm home!" yoojin yelled jokingly the moment she stepped inside the house.

going straight to the boy's home after school had become a daily routine for her. reason one was she wanted to see jeongin. her days at school without him sitting next to her were weirdly empty. of course, she had her friends, but it was just different without the boy.

reason two was that she wanted to avoid her parents, who suddenly turned more strict on her ever since that time she showed them her report card. they had been nagging her nonstop every time she had entered their visions.

and she was more than tired.

while she understood where they were coming from, she was not them. she had zero interest in the medical field. plus, she had been trying hard to improve her grades with the help of jeongin.

"way to make yourself at home," the boy commented from his bed. he was watching a new k-drama when she entered his house.

"considering the frequency of my visits, your house is practically mine. your mom even gave me the keys," yoojin sassed as she entered his room, dropping her school bag to the floor in the process.

jeongin said nothing, since he was engrossed in the scene playing on his laptop. the girl silently walked over to see what he was watching.

"ooo itaewon class! scoot over, i'mma watch," yoojin said as she took one side of the boy's earphones. he moved a little so she could sit down on his bed to watch together.

time flew by and the pair's eyes had not left the screen once, until the most recent episode uploaded. jeongin's mother had arrived home for quite some time and had prepared dinner for everyone in the house, including yoojin.

just when the sixteenth episode ended, the middle aged woman poked her head in the room, "dinner's ready, kids!"

the pair sitting on the bed shot her a smile and got up. they followed her towards the dining table situated right besides the open kitchen and sat down.

"i've already told my parents i won't be having dinner with them," yoojin assured the older woman as she saw the look on her face.

jeongin's younger brother was practically drooling at the sight of the dishes on the table. he picked up his chopsticks the moment the pair sat down, "let's eat!"

they all laughed at the boy wolfing down the food and dug in right after, with the merry and cozy atmosphere wrapping around them.

「 ⌦ 」

[ ch. fourteen fin. ]

[ 18:47 ; 22 mar 2020 ]

GUMMY BEARS 𖤐 jeonginDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora