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( part three, chapter seventy-six )

NEITHER ELLE NOR FREYA could explain how Jackson had stopped his transformation, all they knew was that something magical was keeping it locked up. But it couldn't have been either of the Mikaelson sisters, and well, why would it be any other New Orleans witch? Ever since Davina became regent months ago, none of them have shown any interest in helping anyone else besides themselves. The witches only helped themselves now, no longer under the thumbs of werewolves and vampires alike. Elle had to admit that while she was glad that all the Elders were gone, she was still frustrated to hear that Davina was keeping the witches as secluded as possible, even if she didn't want to.

Sitting in one of the chairs, Elle anxiously tapped the pads of her fingers against her knees as she watched Jackson and Freya. The werewolf still remained in the chains, and while she completely understood that at any second, he could shift back into a wolf, it still felt odd for her to be walking around normally knowing full well that someone was literally chained up in her house. The life of a Mikaelson, she supposed. She looked over at Jackson, shrugging at him and slowly asking, "Can we, I don't know... get you some water, or something? Maybe an extra large glass of whiskey after the night you've had?" Elle tried laughing, just trying to lighten the mood, but it only ended up being an awkward chuckle and she nearly started coughing.

"Let me out!" Jackson barked. "It's dawn, I haven't turned back yet. It doesn't make any sense. I need to find Hayley."

Freya stepped forward, pressing her hand against his chest. "I can still feel the curse in your blood," she said. "Something's restraining it, but you could transition at any moment." Saying that only confirmed Elle's suspicions from earlier 一 something or someone was keeping not only Jackson but the rest of the Crescent pack from turning back into their wolf forms, and who knows when it'll snap?

It happened before Elle could even process it. A blur sped into the room, slamming Freya away from Jackson and into the column, efficiently knocking her out. Elle blanched, eyes wide when she laid her eyes on the form of Hayley Marshall. She was dressed in a long sleeved shirt and jeans, both articles of clothing covered in blood. The hybrid was panting as well, her face and hair covered in blood as well. Hayley looked like she just came out a war, fists shaking at her sides. "Where the hell is that bastard?" she growled.

Elle took a cautious step forward. While she knew that Hayley wouldn't harm her, there was something about her (thinking back on it, it was probably the blood and the way she was shaking with fury) that made Elle feel uneasy. She raised one of her hands, almost defensively as she spoke. "Hayls," she whispered, watching as Hayley whipped around and locked eyes with her. "What the... what the hell happened?"

"Hayley." The three of them turned to look at Klaus, a smug grin on his lips as he stood by the stairs. "Come to apologize for all your transgressions?"

"Do you have any idea what you have taken from me?" She stormed over to Klaus, swinging at his face. However, Klaus gripped her arm and twisted it around behind her back, eliciting a cry of pain. She kicked back, breaking his hold on her, then swung her foot up to feet the side of his face.

"The very thing you sought to take from me 一 the chance to raise our daughter," Klaus said, slowly standing up. "Your punishment fits your crime."

"Your family was ruining her life," Hayley said through a pant, and Elle took a step back. She knew that Hayley didn't actually mean that, right? Sure, the Mikaelsons could be pretty horrendous but they weren't so bad, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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