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( part two, chapter fifty-three )

AFTER EXPLAINING THEIR SITUATION TO JOSEPHINE, the woman responded with a not-very-helpful answer. "Then you need to let the witches put that body down. Eva will use up your sister just like she did the others."

"The others?" Hayley asked. The hybrid had leaned forward in her seat, chin resting in one of her hands. Elle stood behind her, gripping the back of the chair.

"Eva was a wild beauty practicing a wild magic, but she and Vincent were so happy, we let them be." She remembered the name Vincent; he was the witch that Finn was inhabiting before Freya had placed his soul into her necklace.

Elijah let out a sigh. "And then the children began to disappear."

Elle pursed her lips. That would explain why Klaus didn't want Elle to be leaving their home at all.

Josephine explained to them that several children, all prodigies in the witch communities, had been taken from their homes and unable to locate. "But because of Vincent's tenacity, she was caught. According to him, he had confronted her and she begged him to let her catch three more little girls."

"Why three?" Elle asked. Elijah looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "I mean, she caught so many so why did she need specifically three?"

"To complete the Rite of Nines," Josephine answered.

Gia, who had remained silent since stepping into the room repeated, "The Rite of Nines?"

"Eva had believed that if she sacrificed nine children from each of the covens, she'd be able to create a new witch order in New Orleans. She would have been more powerful than any Elder or Harvest Girl." Josephine sighed, gripping her hands tighter into her lap. "A child with untapped magic is pure, and much easier to subdue than adults."

"That's why she went after my baby." Hayley leaned back in her seat, and Elle reached down to rest a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"She would have killed your daughter, channeled her powers as she did those other poor children." Josephine looked away, visibly upset. "We agree she must be stopped; no more of our youth die. That is why, Mr. Mikaelson, I will not extend your twenty-four hours. Eva Sinclair now has a bounty on her head."

Elle's eyes burned with fury as Elijah stood, jutting a finger in Josephine's direction. "You would condemn my sister to her death?"

"I dislike the term 'collateral damage,'" Josephine said, "but there it is. If one or two must fall in order to take Eva down for good, so be it."

"I assure you, Madame LaRue, we will defend your witches with a fearsome vigilance," Elijah bargained.

"You have a wonderful way with words, really; your cadence is pleasant. Normally, I could listen to it all day long, but I grow tired of this. My mind remains unchanged."

"There is no way in hell I am letting you let my sister die!" Elle shouted, stepping around Hayley and Elijah. Josephine's eyes went wide at Elle's outrage.

"Elle!" Gia tried, but Elle just shoved a finger into the vampire's face.

"Don't even start with me, baby vamp," Elle growled. She turned back to Josephine. "My brother here has worked his ass off to keep an alliance between our people, between vampires and witches that have hated each other for years 一 centuries, even. His friend-with-benefits here even puts on some dress and plays you a pwetty song," she added in a mocking tone. "All we have ever done is try to play nice with you old hags, but something really tells me you don't want peace; you want war and violence and pain! You'd be more than happy to stand by the sidelines and watch everyone fight and die until you're all alone! You want to be the victors standing on top!" Elle let out a loud huff, tossing her hands up in the air. She looked back at Josephine, eyes narrowed at the surprised woman. "You're such a bitch, but I'm so not above slapping an old lady!"

Elle started to turn away, knowing that if she continued her rant, she'd only end up actually slapping the woman. However, she was stopped at Josephine's voice. "Don't you dare walk into my house and threaten me. I am not the one who needs you, Elle Mikaelson, it is you who needs us. Or you will, soon enough."

She took a threatening step towards Josephine, only to have Elijah hold out an arm to stop her. A dark gleam shone in Elle's eyes and she leaned down to Josephine's level. "One thing you might know about us Mikaelsons," she hissed in a low voice, "you really don't want to get on our bad side."

The young witch forced herself away from the situation and stormed out the house, slamming the door as loudly as she could.

She knew she was going to get a stern talking to from Elijah, one that would probably result in one of them storming out of the room with anger. Elle didn't want to even consider this conversation and wanted to focus her sole attention on getting Rebekah back to them safely without the fear of Eva Sinclair hovering over them.

Though, there was one thing that she was satisfied about that day: the look Josephine LaRue gave her was of pure terror.

A/N: y'all I'm actually really
excited to start writing elle as
a real mikaelson with the whole
anger problem and violence
and family love

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