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( part two, chapter seventy )

AFTER SUCCESSFULLY TRICKING DAVINA, completely hijacking her spell and bringing back the Mikaelson matriarch, Elle made sure to meet her brothers at the St. James jazz club. She didn't want to be here, but she knew she had to; she really didn't want to be around Klaus, because she was still ready to chew him out, but she also really didn't want to be around her mother, who tricked her with her whole "holier than thou" complex.

Walking side-by-side with her sister into the bar, Elle grit her teeth as she felt the magic be sucked out from her once more. She really hated this feeling. The two girls could already hear Klaus, and from the way he was speaking, she knew he was talking to their mother.

"Well, your willing participation would have been a bonus," he said, "but it's far from necessary. If needs be, I'll drag you there myself."

"Yes, dear Mother," Rebekah said, "you do not have a choice. Then again, why should you be any different from the rest of us? We're all dancing puppets in Nik's end-of-days marionette show. He forces every move we make." She glanced coldly in Klaus' direction.

Elle stepped further into the room, exhaling deeply. Her eyes drifted across to look at Klaus (who she was mentally punching over and over in her head) and then to her mother. Esther Mikaelson sat at a table, dressed in a black plain dress and flats. It felt weird to see her mother back in her normal body ever, mainly because she's only seen in the witch bodies of Cassie the Harvest girl and Lenore since waking up. And considering the last time she saw her actual mother, she was placing Elle into a magical coma... yeah, not exactly great memories for her to have. Esther lifted her gaze to look at her youngest child. There was something unrecognizable that flashed in her eyes, and Elle had to tell herself that her mother didn't truly care for her. Esther's manipulated and betrayed and targeted her children for years, and Elle was just another one of her victims. If she really loved her daughter, or any of her children, then she wouldn't have done the things she did 一 no mother would have done what Esther Mikaelson did.

"And how long are you gonna stand there and pretend you don't need me to?" Klaus asked, and Elle instantly rolled her eyes. "The three of you have fought me at every turn, leaving me no choice but to act alone! We're no strangers to disagreement on the battlefield, but we also have a very long history of doing whatever it takes to win the war."

I'm sorry, what? Elle thought, whirling around to look at Klaus. When had she ever turned against him? Ever since coming back into this family, she's listened and done everything her family's asked her. She has literally put everything they wanted, all of their needs, above her own. And this is the thanks she gets? These thankless bastards...

"And what of Gia?" Elijah roared. The intensity of his voice actually startled her, making her jump and exhale sharply. He walked to stand close to Klaus, giving a feigned smile. "Hayley?"

"Collateral damage."

If Elle had blinked, she would have missed the sharp punch Elijah delivered. Elle jumped back in surprise, eye twitching. She understood that everyone was mad right now, even her, but they needed to focus. She crossed her arms over her chest, tapping a finger angrily against her upper arm.

"You claim your actions are part of some ruse 一 this was punishment."

"Punishment?" Klaus asked, tilting his head. "Whatever for? Perhaps the dagger you put in my heart?"

"You brought that upon yourself!" Elijah shouted. "No, we have fought together for centuries, and once again, to break your enemy, you broke your family."

"Can everyone please just shut up?!"

The Originals all paused, frozen in their spots and they slowly turned their attention to Elle. If possible, her face would be beet red and steam would be flowing out of her ears. Her fists were at her side, shaking angrily as she was trying to hold back her rage. However, she failed miserably. She noticed that Klaus had opened his mouth to speak, but she rudely cut him off.

"Okay, look, I get it, we're all pissed!" Elle snarled, pushing herself away from the wall and to stand between her siblings. She then angrily jutted a finger in all their directions. Since being reunited with them, they've never heard Elle shout like this. They're not even sure if they have heard her shout. Hell, they're not even sure she yelled as a child. Despite her being, what she often described herself as, a nervous fluttery little bird, Elle was calm and relaxing compared to them. This made them take a step back in surprise, eyes wide.

"You're pissed, you're pissed, you're pissed 一 we're all fucking pissed! But can we please talk about how Nik hurt us and how you two daggered him some other time, please? I legit cannot stress this enough, but it is exhausting hearing everyone bicker right now when we have much more important things to be dealing with. The safety of Hope, perhaps?" She cocked a brow, twirling around in her spot so she could look at the Mikaelson siblings. "I know you're all mad, but you think I'm not mad too? You think I'm over the moon with fucking joy about how Elijah and Rebekah aren't telling me anything about their plan even though you know I'm one of the only witches you trust and your sister? Your sister! You know, your younger sister that you all thought was dead a thousand years ago, ring any bells, hmm? And, and you think I'm hella thrilled for Nik to drain me of my blood and basically trigger a panic attack? You think I want to be stuck in a room with her 一" Elle, still glaring at her brothers and sister, angrily gestured in Esther's direction, who was also looking at her with a surprised look "一knowing what she's done to this family? Because trust me, I'd love to slap that unforgivable bitch but apparently, I'm the only smart one here to realize now is not the time. We have much more important things to deal with 一 like taking down our deranged aunt 一 than everyone fighting like we're a bunch of children.

"I'd love to go back home and play with my niece and watch Netflix or, or even have a fucking panic attack from all this bullshit, but I can't 'cause we have a family crisis going on right now 一 no surprise there. So, everyone, just shut up and play nice for a few more hours before we murder our aunt, thank you!" Elle stormed over to the table Esther was sitting at and tightly gripped the chains around her mother's wrists. She harshly tugged at them, forcing the woman to nearly be knocked out of her seat and stand up. She locked eyes with her Esther, glaring darkly at her. "Mother, out, now!"

With her mother in tow, Elle stomped out of the backroom.

A/N: my sweet baby elle is so
angry and sad, but like damn
what a power move

SHE PROMISED ( the originals )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora