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( part two, chapter forty )

CORDELIA HADN'T ALWAYS HATED VAMPIRES. In fact, there was a time where she had loved one. She was young and dumb, thinking she could just forget who she was and who he was and remember their love. His name was Augustus Whaler, and although he refused to tell her how old he was, she had figured out he was around three hundred years old.

She was eighteen when she had met him, Elle being a new addition to their family and Cordelia just starting college. It was one of those stereotypical romances: they meet and she thinks he's a pompous asshole and in return, he thinks she's a spoiled princess but then they fall in love and it's beautiful.

It was lovely and deadly and something that no one else but them wanted to happen. Elle, being too young and trying to adapt to her new life, never noticed the way Cordelia acted. Joseph and Stephanie both hated the fact their daughter was dating a vampire that could've been fifty times her age, but they decided to go with it. They didn't interfere and hoped that eventually Cordelia would learn not to fall in love with a bloodsucker.

But she didn't. Gus had loved her and cared for her, showering her with gifts and love. It was something that she wasn't used to, since she'd only been in one other relationship that lasted barely four months. She thought this love would be the kind that she'd die for, that she'd kill for, and for a long time, she thought that.

It wasn't until two years later did she discover the truth – Gus didn't love her. In fact, he never did. He convinced her he loved her, manipulating her with compliments and gifts, and then used her for her magic to track down the one woman that he had ever actually loved, a beautiful red haired woman named Constance. She had sparkling green eyes like emeralds, and made Cordelia look bland, what with her brown hair and eyes.

That was the moment that Cordelia realized the truth about vampires 一 they're all the same. They use and corrupt and lie because they can, because that's all they know. From the moment they are created, they must lie to live 一 to lure their prey, to hide in the shadows, to assimilate into the community.

Cordelia sniffled softly and raised her hand to wipe away a tear. She had locked herself in her bedroom all night, never leaving, but she could hear Elle drunkenly stumble around her room and the apartment.

How? How could Elle lie to her for months like that? Not only is she friends with vampires, but she's related to them 一 blood related, one hundred percent. Klaus Mikaelson is a monster created and molded by the Devil himself, and him and his siblings were a walking plague on this earth; Elle was a good and kind witch, who held none of the same traits as the dreaded Mikaelsons. So how in God's name was she related to them? There was nothing to signify that they were related, but she supposed that she looked similar to a few of them. She had similar hair to that of Elijah and Kol, green eyes similar to Esther, and the complete stubbornness and loyalty of a Mikaelson.

When the morning came, Cordelia had heard Elle knock on her door but she gave no reply. "Delia?" Elle said in a low voice. The girl made a groan, and Cordelia could imagine her holding her head from the hangover. "Can you just please open the door? I... I need to explain."

So she did remember last night.

"Please, please," Elle begged and Cordelia heard some movement, before a subtle thump on the ground. Under the door, Cordelia could see Elle's shadow. "I know you're angry but... I-I just need to talk to you."

Cordelia did not respond. She sat up on her bed and wrapped her blanket around her body. There were tear stains on her cheeks and she was thankful she didn't wear make up the previous night.

"I know I should have told you," Elle said quietly. "I'm a total bitch for not telling you but I knew how you would react. I was so scared to lose my sister and by not telling you, I just did..." Cordelia heard her sniffle and it took everything in her not to run out of the room and hug Elle. "I'm sorry, Delia. You probably won't forgive me now or ever, and I'm okay with that; I mean, I lied to you. But I just need to say it..." Elle's silent for a few seconds. "I love you."

She hears Elle stand up and walk away, then a few minutes later, the apartment door shuts with a faint click. Cordelia stood up slowly, her feet dragging across the wooden floor as she opened the door and stepped into the living room. She noticed that Elle's boots are gone and when she glimpsed into her sister's room, she also noticed that her backpack and camera are gone. Elle's house key was left on the kitchen counter.

Cordelia lets out a quiet sigh and rubs her forehead.

She's gone to her place again.

A/N: umbrella academy
is great go watch it

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