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( part two, chapter forty-eight )

"I THINK I WANT TO BE ALONE FOR THIS BIT," Kol said and coughed, forcing himself away from a crying Davina. He walked towards one of the tombs, stopping when he heard a male voice speak.

"I'm afraid that's not an option." He turned to spot Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Elle standing in the aisle, all dressed in coats in the middle of the cemetery.

"'Always and forever' is not something that you just weasel out of, brother," Klaus said.

Kol eyed each of his siblings with surprise but managed a weak smile. He allowed them to move him into one of the tombs, and used some of the last bit of magic to light the candles. He could have allowed one of his sisters or Davina to do so, but he wanted to do it.

Elle's lap was being served as his pillow, and he almost hummed as his sister ran her fingers through his hair. It's comforting and was something he'd do for her when she was young and scared; he's glad that she's the one to do this for him. He looked over and saw Davina still crying, whispering a spell under her breath over a necklace gripped tight in her hands.

There was no doubt in her mind that Kol was going to die in the next few minutes. Being hexed wasn't something that could be removed (at least not very easily) and Elle knew that the person being hexed usually went through bouts of some form of pain. She knew that Father Kieran had been hexed, along with Cami's twin brother, and the two were cursed with madness. The difference between their cases and Kol's was that she was first hand witnessing her brother's, seeing all of the pain he was going through.

He lets out another groan of pain and reaches over to grip Klaus' lapels. He grits his teeth, feeling the blood fall from his nose into his mouth. When the pain subsided, he relaxes back onto Elle's lap and grips onto both of his brothers' hands, who sit beside him.

I'm going to lose my brother and my best friend, she thought, staring down her brother's pain contorted face. I'm losing Kol and Kaleb today.

"All my life," he said softly, looking down at his clasped hands in Elijah and Klaus', "all I ever wanted was... for you lot... to care about me." He gave them a weak smile that somehow manages to be big and wide.

For a brief moment, Elle can see the old Kol. She doesn't see Kaleb but Kol 一 her loving and playful older brother, and all of his mischievous quirks. It brought a smile to her face and she sniffled. She lifted up one of her hands to wipe away her tears, which she does so hurriedly.

Kol tried to laugh but instead is overtaken by a coughing fit. He launched forward into Klaus' embrace, his coughs echoing throughout the tomb. He felt hands gently rub his back in a soothing manner, and he knew it was Elijah and Rebekah. When he starts to feel a bit better, he leaned back onto Elle's lap and Rebekah replaced Klaus at his side. Klaus and Elijah both stood.

Kol gripped onto Elle's hand tightly but used his other hand to hold onto Rebekah's arm. "Kol, listen to me," she said softly and a tear fell down her cheek. "You don't have long. You're going to die."

He gives up on trying to be brave, and starts to cry. His grip on his sisters tightened.

"But you will die a witch and we will consecrate your body," Rebekah explained. "You will join the Ancestors of the French Quarter, and those sprits can be brought back. And I promise you, brother, I will not leave this body until I find a way to bring you home."

Kol smiled at her and looked over at Elle. "Why couldn't you just tell me straight to my face?" Elle cried softly. A few of her tears fell onto Kol's cheeks. She bit her lip and shook her head slowly. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry."

"It's all right," Kol said and he squeezed Elle's arm. "You were mad... and you had every right... I was a stupid ass."

Elle managed a chuckle, but it's overcome by a sob. "This isn't fair," she cried and shook her head. "I-I just got you back. I j-just got all of you back and n-now..." She looked up at her siblings, eyeing each of them slowly before looking back down at him. "H-hey, look at me. I'm going to bring you back, okay?" she promised through her tears. "M-me and Bekah, we'll do w-whatever it takes." Shaking, her brought up their intertwined hands and kissed Kol's hand. "I-I love you, big brother."

The dying boy smiled widely at her through the pain but quickly begins to cough much harder than before. Davina suddenly crawled over to them, tears continuing to fall down her cheeks. "I tried a different spell," she said frantically.

Kol took her hand and squeezed it as hard as he could. "It's okay," he said and his voice is barely audible. It's a quiet whisper and if the wind was blowing, he would've been drowned out by it. "I'm not scared."

Davina tried her hardest to smile at him through her tears, and Kol managed one last laugh, before he grows still, his breathing slowing until it stopped.

Elle let out a shuddered gasp before she squeezed her eyes shut. Her beloved older brother was gone.

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