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( part one, chapter fourteen )

THREE DAYS AFTER HAYLEY HAD given her advice, Elle had anxiously been waiting at the apartment all day. She had texted Cordelia earlier that day asking to talk but she never got a response. The witch had paced through the living room for about twenty minutes before going to the kitchen and cleaning up. She tended to clean when she got nervous. Thankfully, Elle had finished her cleaning episode when Cordelia had arrived home.

"Elle, you here?" she heard her sister call.

"In here!" Elle replied, straightening herself up when her sister stepped into the room. Cordelia looked like she hadn't slept much in the past few days, evidence by the rumpled clothes and small bags under her eyes but Elle didn't comment. "Hi," she said with an awkward wave.

"Hey," Cordelia greeted in response. She immediately tried to fix herself, patting her hair down and fixing her clothes smoothing her hair.

"I didn't think you'd come."

"Neither did I."

Elle was the first to speak after their moment of silence. "I just want to say something first," she said and cleared her throat. "I know you're just trying to protect me. After... everything's that happened with us, first with Stephanie and then with... Joseph," that dreaded man's name felt like fire, "we've always had each other. And yet, even though you always had my back, I didn't want to turn to you for help. I didn't know who to turn to because I didn't know if I was the only one. I was scared and alone, and when you found out, you were scared and angry.

"I get you're trying to protect me," Elle said. "Trust me, I do. I've never been upset about that; what I do get upset about is that I feel like you don't trust me."

"Of course I trust you, Elle," Cordelia said. "It's the bloodsuckers I don't trust." Her older sister bit her lip, awkwardly crossing her arms. "Ever since everything that's happened, I made a promise to you and to myself: that I'd never let anything hurt you ever again, and I'd break anyone who'd make me break that promise." The brunette woman sighed. "I know that you're old enough to make your own decisions but I've always been so scared for you. I still am."

"I'm scared for me too. Delia, I know you're trying to protect me, but I'm not a little kid anymore."

"I know you're not."

Elle reached out to grasp one of her sister's hands, tightly squeezing it. "Please know that I have this under control. And if anything starts to become too much, I'll back out of it. I'll put it down and I won't pick it up again until it's completely resolved."

"All right." Cordelia nodded. "I promise that I'll... try to not be as overbearing anymore."

The younger Mitchell witch smirked. "Thanks, Delia." She pulled her sister into a hug. "Love you."

Cordelia smiled and embraced her sister. "Love you too, Ellie." When they pulled back, the older of the two said, "Now, why don't we put this whole thing behind us and we have another one our movie marathons like we did when we were younger?"

"With Steph's special popcorn recipe?" Elle's eyes grew wide with hunger.

"It wouldn't be a movie marathon without Mom's popcorn." The two sisters smiled and set in preparation.

A/N: this is literally the
shortest chapter i've ever
written & so poorly written

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